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Latest Posts


St. Albert's Holy Week 2024 Horarium

The Priory of St. Albert the Great is the house of studies and initial formation for young men who have come to discern their vocation as Dominican…


Mercy Night

Join the Dominican Friars at St. Albert the Great Priory for Mercy Night on Saturday 11/11 at 7:15 PM. We will begin with Night Prayer followed…


Become a Novice Prayer Partner!

Please sign up to become a Novice Prayer Partner and commit to praying for our novices on the day of their Vestition - August 29!


The 2023 Cloisters Gala

A private evening benefiting the Dominican Friars


Dr. Scott Hahn is Coming to San Francisco!

April 22 | 9:00AM | St. Dominic’s Catholic Church


Pilgrimage to Italy in the Footsteps of Aquinas

Join the Dominicans on pilgrimage in honor of Aquinas' 700th Jubilee! Click to learn details, which friars are attending, and more!


St. Albert's Priory Chapel Christmas Schedule

Celebrate the Christmas season at our House of Studies!


Angelic Warfare Confraternity Enrollment Ceremony

Join us for an enrollment ceremony into the Angelic Warfare Confraternity at the Priory of St. Albert the Great in Oakland, CA this Saturday, November 19, 2022.

Events News

Death of Fr. Thomas Hayes, O.P.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved brother, Fr. Thomas James Hayes, O.P., who died on Saturday, September 10, 2022. Ordained…


Fr. Denis Reilly, O.P., Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved brother, Fr. Denis Daniel Reilly, O.P., who died on Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Ordained in…


2022 DSPT Annual Aquinas Lecture

DSPT’s Annual Aquinas Lecture will be held virtually on March 12th, 2022 at 10:30am. This year, Dr. Linda Zagzebski, Emerita Professor from the…


Seven Friars to Make First Profession on September 4, 2021

The Dominican Friars of theProvince of the Most Holy Name of Jesusand the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liemcordially invite you to the…


Ordination Mass Information

OrdinationsThe Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liemjoyfully announce…


DSPT Presents: Ethics & Moral Theology

To learn more and register for the event CLICK HERE


The 2021 DSPT Annual Aquinas Lecture

To view this livestream on our YouTube Channel, CLICK HERE


Solemn Vows 2021

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully announce theSolemn Profession of their Brothers Br. Columban Mary…


Vigil and Funeral Mass Schedule

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved brothers, Fr. Augustine Hartman, O.P., and Br. Daniel Thomas, O.P.The vigil for both friars…


Wise Habits: 30 minutes with DSPT Scholars

On behalf of Fr. Peter Rogers, O.P., and everyone at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, we are excited to announce a new online…

Events Features

Livestream: Saturday Night Rosary with the Dominicans

I was so happy to see hundreds of you join me for the Rosary last Saturday. We've now planned to livestream another Rosary tomorrow at the same…


UPDATE: Ordination Mass 2020

Ordinations The Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liemjoyfully announce…

Events Features

Three More Friars to Make First Profession

The Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully announce the First Profession of their BrothersMichael Thomas CainXavier…

Events Features

Br. John Winkowitsch, O.P., to profess Solemn Vows

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully announce theSolemn Profession of their Brother John Winkowitsch,…


Solemn Vows 2020

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully announce theSolemn Profession of their BrothersJoshua Gatus, O.P.Joseph…


Special Mass for COVID-19 Intentions on April 6th

On April 6th, Fr. James Moore, O.P., will be celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for you, your loved ones, anyone who is sick or has died…



SUNDAY MASS LIVESTREAM: March 22, 9:30am PDTSunday Mass will again be livestreamed from St. Albert the Great Priory Chapel at 9:30am PDT, Sunday,…


Walk for Life West Coast 2020

Our friars and sisters walked together this year in witness to the dignity of every human life, especially those of the most vulnerable in the…


'Does Freewill Exist?' Lecture by Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P.

Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P., to hold lecture at U.C. Santa Barbara at 6:30pm on February 18, 2020.


DSPT Convocation of the College of Fellows

How can Catholics evangelize in a culture that calls moral convictions “hate speech” and “intolerance?” Please join us for this important day…


Diaconate Ordination 2019

Diaconate OrdinationThe Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Ordination of their BrotherGregory…


First Vows 2019

The Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusand the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liem cordially invite you to…


Funeral Mass for Bishop Robert Christian, O.P.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our brother, The Most Rev. Robert Christian, O.P., Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, who died on Thursday,…


Ordination Mass 2019

Priestly OrdinationThe Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Ordination of their BrothersCody…


Solemn Vows 2019

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Solemn Profession of their BrotherChrysostom Mijinke,…


St. Albert's Priory Lecture on Blessed Jean-Joseph Lataste, O.P. | March 27, 2019

Contact St. Albert's Priory at (510) 596-1800 for more information


Br. Frederick Narberes, O.P. Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Br. Frederick William Narberes, O.P., who died on Wednesday, January 16, 2019.The funeral…


Fr. Aquinas Costello's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Fr. Aquinas Costello, O.P., who died on Friday, November 30, 2018.The funeral arrangements…


Fr. Paul Duffner's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Fr. Paul Aquinas Duffner, O.P., who died on Thursday, November 29, 2018.The funeral arrangements…


St. Thomas Meets Richard Dawkins - Aquinas on God, Faith and Religion

Please join us for a look at what St. Thomas Aquinas would say to atheist Richard Dawkins today. This presentation is designed to appeal to a…


First Vows 2018

The Dominican Friars of theProvince of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the First Profession of their BrothersElias Guadalupe…


Fr. Thomas Paul Chrysostom Raftery's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Thomas Paul Chrysostom Raftery, O.P., who died on Wednesday, April 11, 2018.The funeral arrangements…


Ordination Mass 2018

Priestly OrdinationThe Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Ordination of their BrothersChristopher…


Solemn Vows 2018

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Solemn Profession of their BrotherGregory Augustine…


Novices' Southern Tour

Every year the novices visit our communities throughout the Province, on a southern tour in the spring, and a northern tour during the summer.…


Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Lourdes

Fr. Allan White, O.P., of the Province of England, will be the preacher at this year's Novena in Honor of our Lady of Lourdes, celebrated from…


Ring In the New Year with the Novices

On Sunday, December 31 at 10:30pm, the novice brothers at Saint Dominic’s Church in San Francisco will lead a prayer service to end 2017. In…


Fr. Patrick LaBelle's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Patrick LaBelle, O.P., who died on Monday, December 11, 2017.The funeral arrangements are as follows:Thursday,…


Holy Rosary Philosophy Conference 2017

Holy Rosary Church in Portland, Oregon will host the parish's first philosophy conference entitled "The Nature, Role and Scope of the Conscience"…


"Ecce Homo" Art Exhibit Opening

Blackfriars Gallery at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology will open its latest exhibit on October 15 at 2pm with a light reception."Ecce…


Fr. Gerald Albert Buckley's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Gerald Albert Buckley, O.P., who died on Tuesday, August 15, 2017.The funeral arrangements are…


First Vows 2017

The Dominican Friars of theProvince of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the First Profession of their BrothersJohn WinkowitschPaschal…


Fr. Francisco Vicente's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Francisco Vicente, O.P., who died on Saturday, June 17, 2017.The funeral arrangements are as follows:Wednesday,…


Dominican Colloquia in Berkeley

Person, Soul and Consciousness: Philosophical and Theological PerspectivesHow do philosophical insights into the human person illumine topics…


Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic

Can one be a diocesan priest and a Dominican at the same time?Come and see from 3-8pm on April 25, 2017This informational meeting is open to…


Ordination Mass 2017

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Ordination of their BrothersChristopher Wetzel,…


Solemn Vows 2017

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Solemn Profession of their BrothersCody Hyacinth…


College of Fellows Symposium

The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology will host its annual Convocation of the College of Fellows on January 27-28, 2017. This year's…


Fr. Finbarr Hayes' Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Finbarr Hayes, O.P., who died on Tuesday, December 20, 2016.The funeral arrangements are as follows:Tuesday,…


Pilgrimage to Portugal

Due to an insufficient number of registrations, we are sorry to report that the Rosary Center and Western Dominican Province's pilgrimage to…


Conferral of Special Degree

The Dominican Friars are pleased to announce the conferral of the Master of Sacred Theology degree upon our own Fr. Michael Dodds, O.P., at St.…


Br. Mark Gorski's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Br. Mark Gorski, O.P., who died on Thursday, September 22, 2016.The funeral arrangements are as follows:Thursday,…


First Vows 2016

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusand the Vicariate of St. Vincent Pham Hieu Lieminvite you to share in the Liturgy…


Fr. Michael Morris' Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Michael Morris, O.P., who died on Friday, July 15, 2016.The funeral arrangements are as follows:Thursday,…


St. Cecilia Music Festival

Saint Cecilia is one of the most venerated martyrs in all of Christian antiquity and has been honored by Christians throughout the world for…


Musical Pilgrimage

On April 16 at 7:00pm, St. Albert's Priory continues its celebration of the 800th Anniversary of the Order of Preachers with a Musical Pilgrimage…


Ordination Mass 2016

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to thePRESBYTERAL ORDINATIONofRev. Br. Christopher Brannan,…


Solemn Vows 2016

The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to theMass of Solemn ProfessionofBr. Bradley Thomas Elliott,…


DSPT Aquinas Lecture 2016

This year's Aquinas lecture at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology on Tuesday, February 23 at 7:30pm will feature Fr. Olivier-Thomas…


Fr. Vic's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Victor Cavalli, O.P., who died on Friday, February 5, 2016.The funeral arrangements are as follows:Thursday,…


DSPT College of Fellows Convocation

On January 30 at 1:30pm, the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology will host its annual Convocation of the College of Fellows. This year's…


New Year's Eve Vigil

On Thursday, December 31 at 10:30pm, Fr. Anthony Rosevear, O.P., and the Dominican novice brothers at Saint Dominic's Church in San Francisco…


Christmas Concert

The Schola Cantorum of St. Albert's Priory and the Women's Antique Vocal Ensemble will present their annual Christmas Concert on December 19…


Fr. Paul's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Fr. Paul Scanlon, O.P., who died on Thursday, November 19, 2015.The funeral arrangements…


Fr. Felix's Funeral

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Fr. Felix Cassidy, O.P., who died on Friday, November 13, 2015. A great devotee of Our…


DSPT Jubilee KickOff -- Early Lay Dominican Lecture

The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology will begin its celebration of the Order of Preacher's 800th Jubilee with a lecture by Fr. Augustine…


St. Jude Novena and Pilgrimage

Fr. Boniface Willard, O.P., will be the preacher at this year's Solemn Novena in honor of Saint Jude Thaddeus, celebrated from October 20-28,…


Centennial Mass

In 1915, only a few years after Alaska became a territory of the United States, a small parish was built on the corner of 5th Avenue and H Street…


First Profession of Vows

Please join us at St. Albert's Priory in Oakland for the First Profession of our brothers on September 5th at 10:30am.


Flute and Piano Recital

On August 10th at 7:30pm, St. Albert's Priory is proud to offer a free concert featuring Joanna Tabaczek–Socha (flautist) and Jacqueline Chew…


Masses of Thanksgiving

Fr. Gabriel Thomas Mosher, O.P., will be offering numerous Masses of Thanksgiving around the Bay Area after his priestly ordination at St. Dominic's…


DSPT Graduation

The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology's 83rd Commencement ceremony is scheduled for May 23rd at 1pm.With 25 students earning certificates…


Ordination Mass

Please join us at St. Dominic's Church in San Francisco for this wonderful celebration on May 30th at 10am. RSVP today!


Tech to Preach - Catholic Hackathon

Join developers, designers and creative individuals from around the Bay Area for our second annual Catholic Hackathon on June 5th and 6th at…


Dominican Life in the 21st Century

The Dominican Friars, Nuns, and Laity offer a day of reflection on "Dominican Life in the 21st Century" at Corpus Christi Monastery in Menlo…