Would Pope Jesus be better than Ascending Jesus?
Tomorrow is Ascension Thursday, reminding us that we have ten final days of the Easter season to enjoy before Pentecost Sunday. On Ascension…
Tomorrow is Ascension Thursday, reminding us that we have ten final days of the Easter season to enjoy before Pentecost Sunday. On Ascension…
“Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we have believed and have known, that thou art…
OrdinationsThe Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liemjoyfully announce…
To learn more and register for the event CLICK HERE
We think of St. Joseph working as a carpenter. Still, what did it really mean? To understand, we need to briefly go back to where it all beganIn…
At 21 years old, I sat in a train car on a warm August afternoon that was winding its way through the mountainous French countryside on my way…
In some ways, the question seems to have such an obvious answer that it may seem strange to even ask. What more is there to say except that freedom…
To view this livestream on our YouTube Channel, CLICK HERE
The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully announce theSolemn Profession of their Brothers Br. Columban Mary…
Now that we have completed our Lenten journey (hopefully a challenging one), we can relax and enjoy the delights of the Easter season. Chocolate…
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia! Alleluia!We are in the midst of the Octave of Easter. Like Christmas, Easter Sunday does not last…
“It’s like theatre!” my mom once exclaimed when explaining what she loves so much about the liturgies of Holy Week. When a worshipping community…
Tomorrow the Church celebrates the moment of the Incarnation, wrought in God’s infinite love from eternity and brought to time by the simple…
“Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the…
Fr. Bruno Cadoré, former Master of the Order of Preachers, during his canonical visits, usually asked the friars, “What is your identity?” “What…
Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved brother, Fr. Antoninus Wall, O.P.The vigil will be held on Monday, March 8th at 7:30pm.…
Before entering the Dominicans, I attended a diocesan seminary run by Benedictine Monks, one of whom was my spiritual director. He gave me a…
Lent is not only a time of bodily affliction and psychological combat; it is a time of continual victory for those who hold onto the victorious…
In the office of Readings for Ash Wednesday, St. Clement I, the bishop of Rome in the late first century, exhorts the Christian people to fix…
Our life on this side of death is marked by a deep and insatiable desire. Human persons, strange creatures that we are, live constantly on the…
It seems a certain nastiness is becoming increasingly common in the way we deal with those who are not our closest friends. From public figures…
Have you ever felt bored on the spiritual journey and wanted to give up? Have you ever felt that the spiritual life is such an unbearable burden…
On January 22nd, the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, we Catholics have the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, and in California,…
I remember once when I was a teenager, a family member was driving me somewhere on the freeway. And suddenly, the truck in front of us began…
In August, along with a number of my fellow student brothers, I had the opportunity to go on a three-night, four-day backpacking trip through…
No doubt that the year 2020 has been a year of tremendous hardship. As we reach the last days of this year, we look forward to 2021 with great…
One prominent theme of the season of Advent is the virtue of hope. In preparing for Christmas, we foster hopeful expectation for the coming Messiah.…
Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved brothers, Fr. Augustine Hartman, O.P., and Br. Daniel Thomas, O.P.The vigil for both friars…
The season of Advent is here, and now that we’re getting some cold weather, it’s finally starting to feel like winter! For me, this weather gets…
We live in perhaps one of the most divided eras of our nation’s history. While the dust is beginning to settle from this rough year, it still…
The Jesus PrayerOne of the most well-known and beloved prayers in Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches is the Jesus Prayer. There are…
Harvest festivals, like our American Thanksgiving, are found all over the world. From Korean Chuseok to Jewish Succoth, many farming societies…
All men are dust and to dust they shall return. This is a seemingly grim statement, yet it is also one imbued with humility. What is man, whose…
Why does the Church focus on death? In his monastic rule St. Benedict tells his monks to “keep death daily before your eyes.” St. Jerome is famously…
By the grace of God, I was ordained to the diaconate this past month, and I have had the privilege to serve at Mass as a deacon.Part of the petition…
I spent several years discerning my vocation before I joined the Order. Despite the stress and uncertainty, the process of discernment was incredibly…
Our common life as Dominicans follows a daily schedule of prayer and meals called an horarium, but that still leaves us with a lot of time left…
On behalf of Fr. Peter Rogers, O.P., and everyone at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, we are excited to announce a new online…
“And the angel of the Lord appeared to [Moses] in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning,…
St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the intellectual luminaries of our Order, is a model thinker. He integrated the thought of diverse intellectuals in…
Oct. 7 - 8PM - Watch the Livestream here
Praise God, vocations continue to grow, even during these challenging times!This week is our annual Rosary Sunday: Dominican Student Appeal,…
Dominican Father, Albert Felice-Pace, O.P,. has published an updated 2nd edition of his book, “An Abridged History of Catholic Campus Ministry”.In…
I was so happy to see hundreds of you join me for the Rosary last Saturday. We've now planned to livestream another Rosary tomorrow at the same…
Ordinations The Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liemjoyfully announce…
Will You Pray for Our 7 New Novices?Praise God, Dominican vocations continue to grow in the West!On August 18th, our seven new postulants arrived…
The Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully announce the First Profession of their BrothersMichael Thomas CainXavier…
One of the best ways to stay updated with the Dominicans is to get our quarterly Newsletter. The latest one is just now reaching our donors and…
Theologian Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. brings enlightenment and consolation to the faithful with this concise yet powerful summary of the teachings…
Livestream Now from Blessed Sacrament Church in SeattleWe are pleased to announced that our Sunday Mass Livestream at 9:30am PDT will now be…
The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully announce theSolemn Profession of their Brother John Winkowitsch,…
The Western Dominican Province has a new way to learn about the Truth, Goodness and Beauty of the Catholic Faith – the Truth in 60 series.Presented…
I love the vow of chastity! Yes, you heard me right. I, a twenty-four-year-old male, who grew up in the hyper-sexualized culture of twenty-first…
Psalm 130:6-7 “My soul looks for the Lordmore than sentinels for daybreak.More than sentinels for daybreak,let Israel hope in the Lord,For with…
Today marks the 103rd anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima. All such apparitions are judged the way we judge any private revelation, namely,…
Readings: John 12: 24-26 | Phil 3: 8-14There was a morbid custom in parts of the American prison system before the 1960s: as a man condemned…
I am always fascinated by flying. It is remarkable how many people and systems have to work together in order to allow travelers to go from one…
When I was growing up, my family kept a garden. There would be a certain day in the mid-spring, a warm and dry day, when we’d start the work…
Watch the Livestream here
There is no doubt that the Coronavirus pandemic is a global tragedy. It has been heartbreaking to hear news of many dying weekly. However, I…
The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusjoyfully announce theSolemn Profession of their BrothersJoshua Gatus, O.P.Joseph…
This has certainly been a strange and disturbing few weeks we have lived through, with practically our entire world going into shelter-in-place…
With many facing limited or no access to the Eucharist, the practice of making a Spiritual Communion is becoming increasingly known. But what…
A few people have told me that it’s easier for them to pray in the dark than in the light. So why is that? C.S. Lewis inquires, “Why must holy…
On April 6th, Fr. James Moore, O.P., will be celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for you, your loved ones, anyone who is sick or has died…
Throughout the world people are on lockdown, confined to their homes, with their lives put on hold until the COVID-19 pandemic ends. Along with…
When illness or plague struck Christian or Jewish people in the past, their two-pronged reaction was 1) to cure or flee from it, and 2) to repent…
SUNDAY MASS LIVESTREAM: March 22, 9:30am PDTSunday Mass will again be livestreamed from St. Albert the Great Priory Chapel at 9:30am PDT, Sunday,…
The Catholic Church has a very exalted view of human nature. The creation narrative in the book of Genesis reveals the powerful Word with which…
St. Paul famously likens perseverance in the ‘race’ towards heavenly glory to athletes who train their bodies for competitions in his 1st letter…
The season of Lent is underway! This time of preparation for Easter gives us an opportunity to reexamine and refocus our spiritual lives. We…
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit originate from the Latin Vulgate of Isaiah 11:2-3, where the prophet lists the qualities of the “Spirit of…
“Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.” (Ps 89:15)You don’t need special training to…
Tomorrow is the feast of Blessed Jordan of Saxony, the second Master of the Order of Preachers and the successor of our Holy Father St. Dominic.…
I recently recovered from a cold. It began gradually. I noticed that my throat hurt a little with every swallow. I thought to myself, “I’ve had…
Our friars and sisters walked together this year in witness to the dignity of every human life, especially those of the most vulnerable in the…
“Jesus asked the twelve, ‘Do you also wish to go away?’ Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.’”…
I have been thinking about mercy lately. Mercy is something so fundamental to our Christian faith, and yet it seems to be so elusive. It’s not…
At the beginning of this year, over twenty musicians — including Dominican friars from three different provinces — convened at Blessed Sacrament…
Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P., to hold lecture at U.C. Santa Barbara at 6:30pm on February 18, 2020.
They shall bring gold and frankincense,and shall proclaim the praise of the LORD. (Is 60:6)This verse is found at the end of our first reading…
When will I die, and how? Will it be at the ripe old age of ninety after I’ve lived a full life? Will it be painless? What if I die tomorrow…
How can Catholics evangelize in a culture that calls moral convictions “hate speech” and “intolerance?” Please join us for this important day…
It’s fitting that we celebrate January 1st as the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. In her essay The Mystery of Christmas, the philosopher and…
On my first visit to New York City, I had the pleasure of being among the many tourists who flock to Manhattan for the holiday season. New York…
Today, the Church begins to sing the seven, so-called “O Antiphons.” Dating from the early Church, these antiphons are sung at Mass and Evening…
I vaguely remember, as a child, being so proud of the fact that I could tie my shoes. I consciously thought through what my fingers were doing…
Advent has begun!We’ve entered into a pregnant pause. The hope of the world—of our lives—is imminent ! The canticles of Zechariah, Simeon, and…
While millions of Americans gather to give thanks to God for blessings given throughout the year, to many of us, it might be a difficult time…
Every year several young men from all over the country visit St. Albert’s Priory for a Come and See weekend. I will never forget my first visit…
St. Cyril of Alexandria lived between c. 378-444 AD and was the Patriarch (Archbishop) of Alexandria during a very turbulent time in the Church.…
OAKLAND, CA – The Western Dominican Province, a province of the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans), announced today the release of a new mobile…
What are comforting words you would give to a couple burying their only child? How would you explain why—after trying to have children for many…
In contemporary public discourse we hear much about “fear,” often with a negative connotation. We hear about “fear based politics,” “fear-mongering,”…
We Catholics praise God. We, as His creatures praise God for many reasons. We praise God to thank Him, to adore Him, and to glorify Him. Praise…
One day, during my childhood, my mother and I were attending daily Mass. During the Gospel reading the priest proclaimed a passage from Matthew…
Introduction: In July 2019, the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) held a General Chapter in Vietnam. A very democratic process, a General Chapter…
Theology can seem far removed from our spiritual life—a cold, dry, clinical exercise—like studying botany textbooks compared to gardening. Theologians…