Doctrine for the Thirsty Soul
Theology can seem far removed from our spiritual life—a cold, dry, clinical exercise—like studying botany textbooks compared to gardening. Theologians…
Theology can seem far removed from our spiritual life—a cold, dry, clinical exercise—like studying botany textbooks compared to gardening. Theologians…
The diaconate is one of the most ancient offices of the Church, dating all the way back to the time of the Apostles. The Church has always recognized…
One of the biggest difficulties about wearing a white habit is that it is absolutely impossible to keep spotless. In a way, being a sinful, concupiscent…
Here at the house of studies, St. Albert’s Priory, we have started another academic year! Late summer and early fall are always times of transition…
On August 29th, four men received the habit of the Order of Preachers and began their first year of formation as novices. Blessed with different…
Diaconate OrdinationThe Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Ordination of their BrotherGregory…
On Thursday August 29th at 7:30pm, in a beautiful ceremony called Vestition, the four young men below will join the Dominicans; receiving the…
Today, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Newman Center will install as their main cross above the altar a replica of the original Cross of the…
Fr. Brian Mullady discusses his most recent book, The Decalogue Decoded on EWTN Live with Fr. Mitch Pacwa. Watch it on YouTube here.For a full…
The Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesusand the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liem cordially invite you to…
Please pray for the repose of the soul of our brother, The Most Rev. Robert Christian, O.P., Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, who died on Thursday,…
Congratulations to Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, O.P., who was elected by the General Chapter in Vietnam as the 87th successor of St. Dominic…
This morning, the Dominican friars of the Western Province learned of the passing of their brother, Robert Francis Christian, O.P., Auxiliary…
Matthew 25:1-12 tells the parable of the ten bridesmaids who went to meet the bridegroom’s wedding feast. Five wise virgins brought extra oil…
Fr. John Marie Bingham, O.P. grew up as the son of an Episcopal priest in Augusta, GA. After his family’s conversion to the Catholic Church in…
At this point in the academic year, I am finishing my year of ‘residency.’ This year – typically a student brother’s fourth year of formation…
When it comes to leisure, many of us tend to associate it with time spent not working or studying, doing what we enjoy. In other words, leisure…
“Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.” As Dominicans, we pray these words quite frequently, after every Rosary…
When we meditate upon the fourth glorious mystery, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we should be meditating upon love; namely, the…
In the Third Glorious Mystery of the Rosary we contemplate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles at Pentecost. Our meditation on this…
As we continue to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us meditate on the Second Glorious mystery, Christ’s Ascension into…
Exult, let them exult! Having been baptized during an Easter Vigil, these opening words from the Exsultet have a special place in my memory of…
Today, we are entering into the mystery of Holy Week, the most significant week in the liturgical year, the week in which God shows his ineffable…
Priestly OrdinationThe Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Ordination of their BrothersCody…
Fr. Mark Padrez, O.P. - former Provincial of the Western Dominican Province - was recently selected to be the Executive Director of the Conference…
After meditating on the Agony in the Garden, the Scourging at the Pillar, the Crowning with Thorns, and the Carrying of the Cross, with the Fifth…
The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Solemn Profession of their BrotherChrysostom Mijinke,…
Among the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary, this is arguably the only one that focuses on Christ’s active role in His Passion. Christ…
And they stripped Him and put a scarlet robe upon Him, and plaiting a crown of thorns they put it on His head, and put a reed in His right hand.…
The Dominicans recently celebrated the opening of their new rectory in Anchorage, Alaska.On February 23rd, Archbishop Etienne – accompanied by…
One of the first challenges that we face when meditating on the Second Sorrowful Mystery is that the Gospels only provide a minimal amount of…
Contact St. Albert's Priory at (510) 596-1800 for more information
We easily see that the Church is wise in her establishment of Lent. We are sinners – selfish, carnal, and earthly-minded – and so it is no surprise…
For you are dust, and to dust you shall return (Gen 3:19).Most everyone agrees with this sentence irrespective of their views or religious beliefs.…
Christians throughout the ages have undertaken strenuous journeys to shrines far and near. Early pilgrimages focused on the Holy Land, on the…
As we draw near to the feast of The Chair of St. Peter it is worth reflecting on what papal infallibility is and is not. People often think this…
Recently, in one of my Scripture classes, we addressed the similarities and differences between St. Paul and the Greek philosophers. The philosophers…
When I say the word morality, what do you think of? Your first thought may be of rules, duties, and obligations - dos and don'ts of what is acceptable…
Dominicans are not especially zealous in promoting the veneration of our saints, a tendency that goes all the way back to our beginnings and…
Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Br. Frederick William Narberes, O.P., who died on Wednesday, January 16, 2019.The funeral…
William Narberes, 81, a Dominican Friar of the Western Dominican Province, died on January 16, 2019. He was born April 30, 1937 in Martinez,…
Every single person is called to love. If we do not experience love, life remains incomprehensible to us. But if we do experience love, then…
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”…
The Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus joyfully announce the election of Fr. Christopher Paul Fadok, O.P., as Prior…
That the twelve-year-old Jesus clearly knew the Law and the Prophets is evident in the fact that the learned men even bothered listening to the…
It seems an unusual requirement that Mary and Joseph should consecrate God’s own Son back to Himself. And yet, in obedience to the Law of Moses,…
Since the earliest days of St. Dominic, the Order of Preachers has been a fiercely democratic institution, embodying the principles of collegiality,…
“Who has performed and done this,calling the generations from the beginning?I, the Lord, the first,and with the last; I am He.” (Isaiah 41:4)Secrets…
As we continue through the season of Advent, almost everyone anticipates the joy of opening presents on Christmas morning. For most people, it…
“We are a ‘touchy’ people, Father… we like to touch.”Dear friends of St. Jude,I was invited for this past St. Jude feast by the devotees of St.…
In my senior year of high school, I took over leading an optional lunchtime Rosary on Fridays in the school chapel. The usual attendees included…
Born Richard Costello in Lincoln, NE on September 1, 1926, Fr. Aquinas Richard Costello passed away quietly at Nazareth House on December 1st…
Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Fr. Aquinas Costello, O.P., who died on Friday, November 30, 2018.The funeral arrangements…
Fr. Paul Aquinas Duffner was the eldest member of the Western Dominicans. He is also one of the few to have served at the northern and southern…
Last month on November 3, the Church celebrated the feast of Saint Martin de Porres, a Dominican brother who cared for the poor and the sick…
In this moment between Thanksgiving and Christmas, while the carols are already playing, our liturgical calendar goes through its transition:…
Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Fr. Paul Aquinas Duffner, O.P., who died on Thursday, November 29, 2018.The funeral arrangements…
Assiduous study ranks as one of the most salient features of the Order of Preachers. When one thinks of the Dominican friar, thoughts of great…
On Wednesday, the 21st of November, we celebrate the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ancient traditions in the church,…
On November 15th, we celebrate the Feast of a Dominican saint who deserves to be better known in modern times: St. Albert of Cologne (d. 1280),…
Our society likes to forget about death. A common motivation for doing so is to avoid the pain of having to deal with the limitedness of our…
Nearly twenty years ago, when he was a layman, several Dominican friars from all over the world invited Fr. Corwin Low, OP, to a small convocation…
Whether it is in a silly commercial or a John Lennon song, I keep coming across this notion of forgetting Heaven, or of focusing on building…
This past fall, I have often found myself demoralized. There is a seemingly continuous stream of distressing news describing troubles outside,…
The superhero story is a great success and fascination of our time. It holds captive not only children and teenagers, but adults as well. These…
I thank God for the many blessings of living with the Dominican community here in Bologna as I study Italian. I appreciate the robust community…
Every Sunday we celebrate Christ’s victory over evil and sin. We might ask ourselves: what does the victory of Christ mean? What happened after…
Christian sailors joined Pope Pius V (a Dominican) in praying the Most Holy Rosary, and defeated a much larger Turkish force at the Battle of…
Residency year is typically the 4th year of formation for student brothers of the Western Dominican Province. During this…
On August 8, the Solemnity of Saint Dominic, I received the sacrament of Holy Orders by being ordained a deacon alongside my classmate, Br. Cody…
On September 1st, four of my Dominican brothers and I made our first profession of poverty, chastity, and obedience. When I returned to my seat…
Please join us for a look at what St. Thomas Aquinas would say to atheist Richard Dawkins today. This presentation is designed to appeal to a…
On September 1, 2018 five brothers professed their first vows in the Order of Preachers.Please pray for our newly professed Dominicans, Br. Elias…
When Saint Paul writes to Timothy to advise him on the important qualities to look for in prospective bishops, he begins by listing a number…
We are pleased to announce that ten young men will enter the Western Dominican Novitiate next month at St. Dominic Priory in San Francisco, California.…
On June 22, four Dominican friars of the Western Province were ordained priests of Jesus Christ by Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, Robert…
The Dominican Friars of theProvince of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the First Profession of their BrothersElias Guadalupe…
It’s been over 100 years since a Dominican has served as a bishop in California. But that all changed on June 5, 2018, when the Most Rev. Robert…
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Thomas Paul Chrysostom Raftery, O.P., who died on Wednesday, April 11, 2018.The funeral arrangements…
Priestly OrdinationThe Dominican Friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Ordination of their BrothersChristopher…
Saint Thomas would later be identified with his moment of doubt, but now it is not doubt that captures his mind. Jesus stands before him in the…
The Holy Father has appointed Fr. Robert Francis Christian, O.P., as auxiliary bishop of San Francisco. Fr. Robert is the first Dominican from…
The Dominican Friarsof the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesuscordially invite you to the Solemn Profession of their BrotherGregory Augustine…
The height of winter usually finds the novices of the Western Dominican Province roaming the deserts of the Southwest. This journey takes us…
Over the last 800 years, the Order of Preachers has celebrated the holiness of 103 Saints and 374 Blesseds in the Dominican family. Their witness…
Every year the novices visit our communities throughout the Province, on a southern tour in the spring, and a northern tour during the summer.…
Fr. Allan White, O.P., of the Province of England, will be the preacher at this year's Novena in Honor of our Lady of Lourdes, celebrated from…
As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, the titular feast of the Western Dominican Province, Fr. Augustine Hilander, O.P., our promoter…
On Sunday, December 31 at 10:30pm, the novice brothers at Saint Dominic’s Church in San Francisco will lead a prayer service to end 2017. In…
This year, since Christmas falls on a Monday, many people are asking, "If I only go to a Christmas Vigil Mass on Sunday, December 24, have I…
After a year of intense research, Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P., has released his latest book, Dominican Brothers: Conversi, Lay, and Cooperator…
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Patrick LaBelle, O.P., who died on Monday, December 11, 2017.The funeral arrangements are as follows:Thursday,…
In 1854, Pope Pius IX declared the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a dogma of the Catholic faith.* In the…
In Certitude of Truth, Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., reflects on the many works of Pope Benedict XVI, examining various aspects of the Church and…
As we finish the month of November, many people are already singing carols and setting up their Christmas trees. But before we celebrate Jesus'…
With the end of the liturgical year fast approaching, Fr. James Disney Thompson, O.P., offers his keen insights as to how we should receive the…
Joseph Louis Asturias was born in Guatemala City in 1908 to Manuel Asturias and Rosa Coblentz Braun, the owners of large coffee plantations in…
Holy Rosary Church in Portland, Oregon will host the parish's first philosophy conference entitled "The Nature, Role and Scope of the Conscience"…
At the end of August, five men received the habit of the Order of Preachers and began their first year of formation as novices. Blessed with…
"Within that region where the sweet west wind comes blowing...lies Caleruega, fortune-favored town...There the staunch love of the Christian…