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Requiescat in Pace

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Br. Gregory Lira, O.P., who died on Sunday, January 14, 2024.

Br. Gregory (known affectionately as “Bro”) joined the Order of Preachers in 1958, shortly after his 18th birthday. He was professed a year later as a cooperator (permanent) brother and after his solemn profession in 1965, Bro traveled to Ocosingo, Mexico for his first assignment. Witnessing the extreme poverty which the people endured was a great burden, especially when he had to assist in burying children who had died. 

After this intense period, Bro served in many ministerial assignments over the years as a cook, P.E. teacher, youth minister, and more. From Oakland to Los Angeles, Bro was a valued member of numerous communities during his many years as a Dominican, including Fra Angelico house in Las Vegas, where he served those affected by HIV/AIDS at the St. Therese Center.

One of his final assignments before retirement started in the early 2000s, when he made his way to St. Dominic’s in San Francisco to help care for his good friend, Fr. Felix Cassidy, O.P. After Fr. Felix’s death, Bro remained in the community as a model of religious life for the novices to emulate.

Funeral arrangements are as follows:

San Francisco, California – St. Dominic Church

Benicia, California – St. Dominic Cemetery

  • Burial – Friday, January 19 at 12:00 pm

To make a gift in memory of Br. Gregory Lira, please use the form below. It is a tradition of the Order of Preachers to establish a fund in the name of each of our departed brothers. Your donation to this memorial fund will support the education of our Dominican brothers still in formation, continuing the faithful legacy of our departed brother. It is a lasting tribute to Br. Gregory and a gift to the Dominican students who study in his footsteps.