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Will You Pray for Our 7 New Novices?

Praise God, Dominican vocations continue to grow in the West!

On August 18th, our seven new postulants arrived at St. Albert's and began their postulancy. This is a time of prayer as they get ready for their day of vestition, which will officially make them novices.

Uniting with them in prayer, we invite you to take our annual Novice Prayer Pledge and commit to praying for them on September 3rd.

In exactly 15 days, on September 3rd, the men in the photo above will receive the habit of the Order of Preachers, and begin their first year of formation as Dominican novices.

The call to religious life is challenging, especially in a culture that doesn't value poverty, chastity and obedience. And it's particularly challenging during a pandemic.

But you can do something to help these young men persevere -- pray.

As one of last year's novices recently commented, "Arriving at the Novitiate for the first time, and then seeing the Honor Roll with hundreds of names of people praying for you, it's inspiring. It gives you courage and reminds you to pray for them too".

Will you please take the Novice Prayer Pledge today and pray for our new Dominicans on September 3rd?

When you sign up, your name will appear on the Prayer Honor Roll for all the novices to see, which is a huge inspiration for them! Your prayers make a difference!

Take the Prayer Pledge HERE!

P.S. Please forward this email to your friends and family and invite them to share in the gift of prayer, too.