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Provincial Chapter 2023: Prior Provincial Elected!

An exciting update from Chapter - we have a Prior Provincial!

The Provincial Chapter continues with exciting news this week! The capitulars (representatives) of the Chapter have elected a Prior Provincial who will serve as leader of the province for the next four years. Keep reading below to learn more!

In case you missed it, catch up by reading our previous updates on Chapter linked below:

Provincial Chapter 2023: Spiritual Retreat Provincial Chapter 2023: Chapter Business Begins

2023 Provincial Chapter (Day 7)

On the seventh working day of the Provincial Chapter, the capitulars set forth to elect one of the brothers as Prior Provincial.


The day began by celebrating a Mass of the Holy Spirit, invoking the Holy Spirit's wisdom and guidance, especially during the election.

Following Mass, the capitulars gathered and prepared to cast private ballots. Just before balloting began, the capitulars joined together chanting the "Veni Creator Spiritus" to invoke the Holy Spirit's presence among them.


To notify the community the election was complete, the bell at St. Albert's Priory rang out! Our community gathered in the chapel to hear the good news announced by the Vicar of the Province. This tradition of bell ringing is similar to the Vatican tradition of black or white smoke emerging from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel when electing a pope.

Introducing the New Prior Provincial, Very Rev. Christopher Paul Fadok, O.P.!

Now confirmed by the Master of the Order, it's a great blessing to announce the election of Fr. Christopher Fadok as Prior Provincial! Fr. Christopher served as Prior Provincial for the last four years, elected to his first term in January 2019. He now begins his second four-year term as the leader of our province.

Originally from Phoenix, Arizona, Fr. Christopher joined the Western Dominicans in 2002 and was ordained to the priesthood in 2010. He received a Master of Philosophy in 2006 and Master of Divinity in 2010, both from the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology. He's served in various assignments during the last twelve years: as parish priest at Blessed Sacrament in Seattle, Washington; pastor at St. Raymond's Church in Menlo Park, California; Socius and Vicar to the Provincial; and most recently as Prior Provincial. Read additional details about Fr. Christopher here.

In his acceptance speech, Fr. Christopher humbly thanked his brothers for their support. "It's an honor to be chosen to be Prior Provincial." He recommitted to a guiding principle he learned from his brother, David Fadok, a General in the Air Force, and which he commends to the friars.

People first, mission always… I recommit myself to all of you today, first, to seek in you not my own image, but the image of God, and to see in you the fullness of your humanity. Second, to work always to elicit, with the help of God’s grace, your response to the mission that God gives us Dominicans and all baptized Christians - to preach His holy Gospel.

Fr. Christopher also spoke prayerfully of Christian love and the necessary vulnerability of love.

When you love someone, you are opening yourself up to the possibility of bearing the cross your brother or sister carries. St. Paul calls us to help one another in carrying each other’s burdens. And that's a good thing, because we know that only through the passion and the cross does any one of us come to the glory of that crown Jesus promises us.

During the coming weeks, Fr. Christopher will work with the capitulars to review legislation, appoint friars to other leadership positions, and discuss future goals of the Western Dominican Province.

Praise be to God for the blessing of our new Prior Provincial! Please join all the brethren in continued prayers for the Provincial Chapter as they make important decisions in our province.

Check back for more updates about Provincial Chapter during the coming weeks.

To see more photos, click below!

Photos from 2023 Provincial Chapter