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Provincial Chapter 2023: Spiritual Retreat

Read our first update about the beginning of Provincial Chapter

A Brief Introduction to Provincial Chapter: Since the 13th Century, the Order of Preachers has been a democratic institution -- one of the oldest continuous representative democracies in the world! Every four years, our province holds Provincial Chapter, a gathering of elected friars (capitulars) to discuss the needs of the local church, discuss changes to province legislation, address important issues, and elect friars to leadership positions.

To read more about how a Dominican chapter works, click here!

2023 Provincial Chapter Begins:


Our Provincial Chapter commenced on Thursday, January 5th at 5:00pm with Fr. James Thompson, O.P., serving as chairman and Vicar of the Province. We began with Vespers and a Mass of the Holy Spirit celebrated by Fr. James Thompson, O.P., invoking the Holy Spirit's wisdom and guidance. Petitions were made for a successful outcome of the chapter, as well as for our brethren, the living and the dead.

Following Mass, our chairman and the capitulars met to approve delegates, appoint a secretary and assistant secretary, appoint a syndic pro tem (temporary treasurer for the province), and approve the schedule for the next ten days.


With no other immediate business, the capitulars began a three-day spiritual retreat led by Fr. Kenneth Letoile, O.P., former Prior Provincial of the Province of St. Joseph.

Please join all our brethren as we pray for our friars on spiritual retreat. We pray for the Holy Spirit's continued guidance as they prepare to make important decisions in our province.

Check back for updates about Provincial Chapter over the next few weeks.

To see more photos, click below!

Photos from 2023 Provincial Chapter