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Rosary Sunday is Here!

Praise God, vocations continue to grow, even during these challenging times!

This week is our annual Rosary Sunday: Dominican Student Appeal, which supports the education and formation expenses of the 36 young men currently in formation to become your future Dominican priests and religious brothers. This is the most men in formation in nearly 20 years.

As the Dominicans do not receive any funding from the diocese for the formation of their brothers, your support of the appeal is critical and deeply appreciated.
Donate to Help the Brothers in Formation

Formation takes about eight years, and costs approximately $52,500/year per student brother - that's $144 a day. That investment includes a fantastic graduate education and all housing, formation, food, and travel expenses, as well as their healthcare and insurance. Your gifts are stretched far!

Without God’s grace and your help, their vocations would not be possible.

If your economic situation is stable, please prayerfully consider supporting Rosary Sunday and help give the world great Dominicans to preach the Gospel!

Please give online at or mail a gift to: Western Dominican Province, 5877 Birch Court, Oakland, CA 94618. Thank you!