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Seven Friars to Make First Profession on September 4, 2021

The Dominican Friars of the

Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

and the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liem

cordially invite you to the First Profession of their Brothers

John Vianney Russell

Anselm Dominic LeFave

Anthony Maria Akerman

Peter Pius Chu

Cassian Smyth

Peter Augustine Hoang

Jordan Martin

into the hands of

The Very Reverend Christopher Fadok, O.P.

Prior Provincial


The Very Reverend Peter Huong Pham, O.P.

Vicar Provincial

Saturday, September 4, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.

Saint Dominic Church

2390 Bush Street – San Francisco, California

If you plan to join us in person, RSVP by August 25th at

You are encouraged to watch the LIVESTREAM HERE