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The Jar of Flour Shall Not Go Empty

Br. Emmanuel Maria, O.P., reflects on the Gospel for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 12:41–44) in our weekly video series.

"The jar of flour shall not go empty,

nor the jug of oil run dry,

until the day when the LORD sends rain upon the earth.''

There are often times in our lives when God asks to give of ourselves and be generous when we feel completely depleted, and when we feel that it would be too painful to give anymore. God demands a kind of “radical generosity,” which just exceeds our natural powers to fulfill. And so, in our first reading for this Sunday, the unnamed widow of Zarephath is asked by Elijah for food, when she has hardly enough for herself and her son. Right in the moment of her deepest despairing, God seems to ask for one more thing, but He doesn’t demand rudely or leave her to her despair. Instead, God makes a promise that the flour would not go empty nor the oil run dry. This would be the proof of his careful love for her in the midst of her darkness. It is right in the moment of great need that God steps in and asks for us to walk in faith.

So, the widow provides a little cake for Elijah and God keeps his promise to her, so that for a whole year they can enjoy His miraculous providence. We see a similar scene in the Gospel: Jesus is carefully observing how the crowds are making their gifts to the temple and notices a single, unnamed widow. She only gives a few cents, “her whole livelihood” and Jesus notices. He turns to his disciples and praises her generosity saying that she gave more than all the rest. And, why? because she gave from her poverty, out of her need. It is because she acted in faith despite any temptation she may have had to despair of her situation. What is God’s promise to such generous people as these? “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Perhaps you are in a desperate situation or a despairing place, maybe you feel burned out and let down. All of us periodically experience spiritual darkness and dryness and sometimes we may even feel as though God has forgotten about us or abandoned us.

On this Sunday, I want you to know that God offers you this promise: if you continue to give, to be generous with yourself, to be patient. and if you choose to serve God even though you feel uncertain and afraid, He will not forsake you; He will not fail you. Your jar of flour will be more than enough and your spiritual oil will overflow. May God allow His grace and mercy pour over you like a healing rain. Amen.“The