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Today the Scripture is Fulfilled

Br. Michael Thomas Cain, O.P., reflects on the Gospel for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Lk 1:1–4, 4:14–17) in our weekly video series.

When we see who Jesus really is, we finally are able to see who we really are.

This is important because the battle for our souls is a battle for our identities. Before Jesus came, we had forgotten who we were. We had become shadows, falling ever deeper into the darkness. We were the helpless prey of the accuser, Satan, whose one goal was and is to convince us that we belong to the darkness.

Jesus came to restore and elevate our identity. And in today’s gospel, Jesus announces this mission and so reveals to us His own identity. When He Boldy states that, “today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”, He is saying to the people of Nazareth, “I am your savior.” Today Jesus says to you, “I am your Savior.”

Do you really believe Him?

The problem is that we still hear echoes of Satan's lie. He tells you that you belong with your sin, that you like it, maybe even that you are your sin. Sure, heaven might be for some people at some point, but not for you, not now.

When you see Jesus, do you see your savior, your friend, your brother? Not just someone’s savior, your savior. You need to because if He is your savior, then you are saved, if He is your friend, then you are loved, and if He is your brother, then you are God’s child.

Brothers and sisters, this is absolutely crucial. If we do not live in the light of Christ face, if we do not see and receive him for who He is, we will be deceived, Satan will steal our identity. Today Jesus calls you believe in and live from the identity that He gives you. That you are saved, delighted in, that you are God’s beloved child.