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Watch Sleigh Ride Today

After two world premieres with friends in Anchorage and the Bay Area, we are excited to finally share the beauty of this story with you. Watch Sleigh Ride: Christmas in the Last Frontier today.

Watch Sleigh Ride

This short film chronicles the experience of two Dominican Friars as they spend 28 hours crossing the frozen Alaskan landscape to bring Christmas Mass to remote communities. 

Leaving Anchorage on Christmas Eve, two friars travel over 500 miles to offer Christmas Mass in three remote Alaskan communities—Trapper Creek, Talkeetna, and Glennallen—endeavoring to return home just in time for Christmas dinner with their religious brothers. Among the friars, this trip is affectionately called “the sleigh ride.”

You can watch the full film and share it with others at

Watch Sleigh Ride

This project is close to our hearts and we're grateful for friends like you who support Dominican ministry in Alaska and beyond.

Premiere of Sleigh Ride at Bear Tooth Theater in Anchorage, Alaska on December 14.