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We Have Come to Do Him Homage

Br. Jordan Martin, O.P., reflects on the Gospel for the Epiphany of Our Lord (Mt 2:1-12) in our weekly video series.

In our world, we could say that creatures are like “words from God”.

All creatures—rocks, plants, animals, men, angels—each of them reveals something of God.

And you as well! You are a beautiful word from God—a word from God that says something of His heart.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

Well, within our world, the God-child became the most beautiful word from God. Jesus is the most beautiful word from God.

Notice that the Incarnation was announced differently to different people. To the shepherds God sends angels to appear to them, but to the Magi He sends a star.

It’s a very special star—a star that is visible by night and day. A star that moves, that stops, that moves again. A star that descends very close to the ground to indicate where the God-child is.

God made a star just for the Magi. The star was a word from God to prepare the hearts of the Magi and to guide them to the One who is the Light. The Magi saw the child and they recognized God.

Yes, truly, this star was the word the Magi needed to hear, to be led to Jesus.

And this is what the feast of the Epiphany is all about. It is the feast of the Revelation of God—the feast of the manifestation of God.

And this manifestation of God is for us as well. To the heart of each of us, God speaks with words we can understand. God knows exactly which word to tell you so that you can recognize Him.

He already spoke to your heart, and he will continue to do so.

He has already chosen the most suitable way to do so, because He’s the one who made you, and because He knows you better than you know yourself.

My brothers and sisters, this child, it is God speaking to you.

Jesus is the most beautiful word of God. Listen to this word. Meditate on this word. Cherish this word. It is a word of love, a word of friendship.

Love the God-child. Worship Him. Kiss Him. Receive Him in your heart.