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World Premiere of Sleigh Ride

Join the Dominican Friars for two events premiering their new short film Sleigh Ride: Christmas in the Last Frontier.

On December 14th and 17th, the Dominican Friars will premiere their new short film, Sleigh RideChristmas in the Last Frontierin Anchorage and the San Francisco Bay Area.

This short film chronicles the experience of two Dominican Friars as they spend 28 hours crossing the frozen Alaskan landscape to bring Christmas Mass to remote communities. The film was recently honored with selection to the upcoming Anchorage International Film Festival.

Inspired by the missionary work of a 19th-century Catholic Bishop in Alaska, Sleigh Ride is the story of how two Dominican Friars set off for one of the most dangerous and unknown Christmas ministries in America. Considering how unique the effort was, the friars were encouraged to document the story.

“We hope this film inspires people and reminds them that Christmas is something worth going the extra mile to celebrate,” added Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P., Prior Provincial of the Western Dominican Province, “especially since the person we celebrate during the Christmas season is Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Leaving Anchorage on Christmas Eve, two friars travel over 500 miles to say Christmas Mass in three remote Alaskan communities—Trapper Creek, Talkeetna, and Glennallen—endeavoring to return home just in time for Christmas dinner with their religious brothers. Among the friars, this trip is affectionately called “the sleigh ride.” 

With beautiful cinematography and insightful glances inside the life of a Catholic priest, the film takes you beside the friars as they battle exhaustion, frozen roads, high winds, and a tight schedule to make Christmas possible for those who would otherwise go without.

Fr. Matthew Heynen, O.P., one of the film's main characters shared, “Serving deep within the Last Frontier is a reminder that everyone matters, that Our Lord died for all and he calls us to serve all.”

Join us for the following premieres:

December 14 | Bear Tooth Theatre | Anchorage, AK

December 17 | Rheem Theatre | Moraga, CA

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