Become a Novice Prayer Partner
Praise God! Our Order continues to grow!

On August 29th, a new class of NINE novices will start their journey as Dominicans! And they need your prayers.
Please sign up to become a Novice Prayer Partner and commit to praying for our novices on the day of their Vestition (when they are dressed in the Dominican habit).
On that day you'll receive a reminder email with a prayer for Dominican vocations. You'll also receive a follow-up email after the Vestition ceremony, making you among the first to see our new novices in their Dominican habits and learn their religious names.
Most importantly, you'll be remembered on the Prayer Partner Honor Roll that hangs in the house chapel of St. Dominic's Priory in San Francisco. The novices see this everyday during the rosary when they offer prayers of thanksgiving for you.
After signing up, please pass the torch to your friends and invite them to become a prayer partner. Send them a message or an email with the link
Pray for our NINE new novices!
Sign ups for this year are closed. Please consider becoming a Novice Prayer Partner in August 2025.