SBL Fundraising Landing Page

Support Souls Seeking Truth

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Preserve Dominican Contemplation

Recent years have been difficult for St. Benedict Lodge, our retreat center in McKenzie Bridge, OR.

The pandemic made it impossible to host outside retreatants for over two years. Since then, the returning groups have been smaller than usual. This has meant less income to maintain the facility. Current economic conditions have also been challenging; food and materials cost more, and we strive to keep our employees’ wages just.

In the face of these challenges, we need your help to keep the Lodge maintained for the friars and our guests. There are three essential needs at this time:

  1. We need to renovate a critical fire escape in Lodge building B, for the safety of all who stay there.
  2. The broken water heaters of Lodge building C (which run on DIESEL) need to be replaced with propane tanks, so we can offer a comfortable and hospitable environment.
  3. A set of extremely worn chairs needs to be replaced, in support of the retreatants’ communal activities.

With your help, we can continue offering this peaceful environment to friars and lay people alike, in support of our prayer and contemplation of Truth.

Please use the form on this page to make a secure electronic gift in support of our retreat Center. You can learn more about St. Benedict Lodge by clicking here.

Alternatively for check gifts, please make your checks payable to "Western Dominican Province" with "St. Benedict Lodge" in the memo line, and mail them to:

Western Dominican Province
Attn: Development Dept
5877 Birch Court
Oakland, CA 94618