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First Vows

First Profession of Vows

RSVP by August 12

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RSVPs are closed - please watch our blog for future events!

First Profession of Simple Vows

The Dominican Friars
of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
and the Vietnamese Vicariate of Saint Vincent Liem

cordially invite you to the First Profession of their Brothers

Humbert McCrorey

Ignatius Jerome Alsop

Hyacinth Marie Bui

Peter Lawrence Vu

Raphael Akita Knox

Antonio Maria Aguilar

Emmanuel Maria Melendez

Albert Mary Uplaznik

into the hands of
The Very Reverend Christopher Fadok, O.P.

Prior Provincial

The Very Reverend Peter Huong Pham, O.P.
Vicar Provincial

Saturday, August 31, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.
St. Dominic's Catholic Church

2390 Bush Street
San Francisco, California

Reception to follow
Priory of St. Albert the Great

5890 Birch Court
Oakland, California

Livestream Link

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