Give Monthly
Give Monthly. Do Good.

Direct your monthly gift to support a variety of apostolates throughout the Western Dominican Province.
(If you're experiencing issues navigating this donation page or would like to use mobile pay options, please use our main online giving form here.)
Members are recognized privately in the beautiful cloister garden of our House of Formation, the Priory of St. Albert the Great.
Regular alms giving is part of our 800-year Dominican tradition of mendicancy (relying on the faithful for support) and a great way for you to advance the mission of St. Dominic.

Advance the mission of St. Dominic every month
Sign-up today, and have a monthly gift charged to your credit, debit, or ACH account. It’s fast, secure, and easy to manage.
Receive email notifications each time your card is charged, and be recognized in the beautiful Cloister Garden of the Dominican House of Studies.
The Dominican Order was founded in AD 1216. From the very beginning, the ongoing generosity of the faithful made the mission of St. Dominic possible. Similarly, the ongoing monthly support of members of the 1216 Monthly Giving Society form a foundation of support essential to advancing the mission of St. Dominic today.
Direct your gift to several areas of impact:
- The Greatest Need of the Friars
- The Rosary Center & Confraternity
- St. Albert the Great Priory (House of Formation)
- Elderly and Infirm Friar Care
- Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology (DSPT)
- Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus
- Dominican Mission Foundation

Monthly giving offers a number of advantages
- Satisfaction. Each month you’ll be reminded of how your partnership with the Dominicans is helping lead souls to Christ.
- Control. Direct your gift to support 1) the Greatest Need of the Friars, 2) St. Albert Priory (our House of Formation), or 3) the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology (DSPT).
- Convenience and Security. Giving monthly is easy to budget and manage throughout the year. Not only that, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing your gifts are made with bank-level encryption and security.
- Flexibility. If for any reason you’d like to increase, decrease, or suspend your gift, just give us a call at (510) 295-0115 and we’d be happy to accommodate you.
- Reduced Paperwork and Expenses. Monthly giving is automated, saving you and our staff time and resources. That means more funds can go directly to our apostolic work.
- Updates. As a member of the 1216 Society, you’ll receive important invitations and updates, showing you just how much of a difference your generosity is making in the lives of the friars.
- Recognition. Members of the 1216 Society are recognized annually on the Honor Roll of Members in the beautiful Cloister Garden of St. Albert Priory.

Your giving bears fruit
According to tradition, St. Dominic brought an orange tree from his native Spain to the Basilica of Santa Sabina in Rome, which would soon become the headquarters of the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans). After his death in AD 1221, the tree came to have special meaning for the early Dominicans, often representing the life of the Order.
What is more, in AD 1379, St. Catherine of Siena gifted candied oranges from Dominic's tree to Pope Urban VI, reminding him that one's bitter sufferings turn sweet when united with Christ.
Continuing the legacy today, an orange tree propagated from St. Dominic's tree grows at St. Albert the Great Priory in Oakland, the house of studies for the Western Dominican Province.
The 1216 Society takes St. Dominic's orange tree to represent the fruitfulness of your giving, connecting your generosity to our apostolic efforts over the last eight centuries through today.
St. Dominic’s Orange Tree at the Basilica of Santa Sabina in Rome, headquarters of the Order of Preachers. (c. 1800s).