Become A Dominican
Application and Formation
The Application Process

Inquiry Phase
The application process is a time of mutual discernment between the candidate and the Province, during which the candidate obtains a greater familiarity with the Order of Preachers, and is able to clarify his own desires and learn more about Dominican life.

See Dominican Life First-Hand
In addition to spending time in prayer and personal study, a candidate is expected to attend a "Come and See" Discernment Retreat and visit the House of Studies and Novitiate for an extended visit.

Interview and Receive an Application
After attending a Come & See and making an extended visit, the Promoter of Vocations may invite a candidate to write and submit an autobiography. After further discussion, you may be invited to make an Interview visit and meet individually with the 6 Admissions Board friars. At the completion of interviews, which must be done by mid-May, a candidate may be invited to begin an application to enter as a Novice brother in August.

Is God Calling You?
Contact Vocation Office:

Fr. John Winkowitsch, O.P.
Vocation Director
Phone: 510-596-1806