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Specialized Ministries

Specialized Ministries

True to our tradition and history, a number of friars serve as itinerant preachers, traveling extensively in order to proclaim the Gospel at parish missions, retreat centers, and religious communities.


Dominican Mission Foundation

Serving the Poor and Those Most In Need

The Dominican Mission Foundation provides spiritual, medical, material, and community care to those living in desperate circumstances. Since our founding in 1963, dedicated missionaries have traveled around the world in order to minister to those most in need.

Today we serve in Mexico (Mexicali in Baja California and Ocosingo and Altamirano in Chiapas), Rabinal in Guatemala, the Tala Leper Colony in the Philippines and Ayene in Equatorial Guinea. We also support special disaster relief and emergency needs in Dominican-served areas, recently focusing especially on assistance to Christian refugees in Iraq.

Through the generous support of our compassionate donors, we are able to continue these efforts. Your prayers and contributions help us bring hope to those who have little or none.



Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology

Engaging Contemporary Scholarship and Culture with the Wisdom of Tradition

The Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology is a community of scholars committed to the pursuit of truth as revealed in the Gospel and discovered by human reason. Following the example of St. Thomas Aquinas, O.P., the School draws from the rich traditions of classical philosophy and Catholic theology in order to prepare men and women for academic and apostolic vocations.

As a Center of Studies for the Order of Preachers and an apostolate of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, one of the School’s goals is to foster life-long learners who will engage contemporary scholarship and contemporary issues which are of importance to the Church, the academy, and society.



Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus

Promoting Devotion to the Patron of Difficult Cases

Every year the Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus welcomes thousands of visitors and pilgrims to its sanctuary at St. Dominic’s Church in San Francisco. Through solemn Masses, novenas, processions, retreats and other activities, the Shrine unites all the friends of St. Jude and serves as beacon of hope to those in need. In addition to providing spiritual care and guidance, the Shrine also supports the education of our Dominican brothers in initial formation.



St. Albert's Priory

The House of Studies

Located just a few miles from the University of California at Berkeley, the Priory of St. Albert the Great is the house of studies and initial formation for young men who have come to discern their vocation as Dominican friars in the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Following in the footsteps of Saint Dominic de Guzman, these men learn what it means to be contemplative preachers, united by our faith in Jesus Christ and our vows as consecrated religious.



St. Benedict Lodge

Conference and Retreat Center

Located along the McKenzie River, on the edge of the Willamette National Forest (50 miles east of Eugene, OR), Saint Benedict Lodge is a retreat and conference center staffed by the Dominican friars. Available for private of group retreats, the 70-acre property has a chapel, library, conference rooms, and cabins for it guests.



St. Dominic Cemetery

In Sure and Certain Hope of the Resurrection

Located at 585 Hillcrest Avenue in Benicia, California, St. Dominic Cemetery is the final resting place of almost all the Friars of the Western Dominican Province, the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, as well as members of the Dominican Laity, parishioners, family
members of the friars and sisters, benefactors, and those with close ties to our ministries. Open daily from 8am-5pm, friends are welcome to visit and pray for the repose of their loved ones.