PLEASE NOTE: Tax letters for 2024 have been mailed. Please contact with any questions or to request an itemized receipt. Thank you for your generosity!

Other Ways To Give

Other Ways To Give

Corporate Matching Programs

Matching programs can significantly increase the impact of your giving, sometimes even doubling your gift!

A quick call or email to your HR department is usually all it takes to learn how to apply for any matching program your company may operate.

Some companies may restrict, or not allow, gifts to religious organizations. In restricted cases, some companies may simply require a donor’s gift be made to “non proselytizing” programs, meaning programs that do not attempt to convert individuals to a faith.

If that’s the case, non proselytizing activities of the Western Dominican Province include:

  • Education and formation of Dominican friars
  • Care for elderly and infirm friars
  • The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology

As always, please consult with your employer on the exact matching gift policies and procedures they may ask you to follow.

Employee Giving Programs / Payroll Deductions

Employee giving programs are common in many large organizations, as well as with state and federal government agencies. They can often be programs promoting monthly payroll deductions, or a once-a-year campaign to give to your charity of choice.

Ask you HR department whether your organization offers an employee giving program. Benefits can include:

  1. Easy to manage: once setup, your company automatically deducts your gift from your pay and passes it to your charity of choice.
  2. Convenience and tax benefits: you can get the convenience of automatic payroll deductions without losing the tax benefits of charitable giving.
  3. Satisfaction: you’ll be reminded on each paycheck of your gift of “first fruits”, giving back generously what God has blessed you with.

To learn more, contact your office’s HR department and ask for information on the employee giving program.

As always, please consult with your employer on the exact employee giving program policies and procedures they may ask you to follow.

Disclaimer: the Western Dominican Province does not advise on any personal income tax requirements or issues. Use of any information from this site or any other web site referred to is for general information only and does not represent personal tax advice either express or implied. You are encouraged to seek professional tax advice for personal income tax questions and assistance.

I am profoundly grateful to you for making our life possible, especially for the education that I have received during my formation. I have learned languages that I never expected that I would learn and acquired knowledge that I never imagined I would have. And now, equipped with these skills, I am ready to minister to the people of God. None of these would have happened without your generous material and prayerful support.
- Fr. Gregory
I am thankful for both your generosity and your friendship. Thanks to your life of faith and the stories that have grown from that faithfulness, I am prepared to preach for the salvation of souls. We are all in this together as part of the Dominican family, and without your support I would not be nearly as fruitful. God bless you for your inspiring example!
- Fr. John
I wish, indeed, I could send a million dollars for all the inspiration and help to get closer to God that I've experienced from the Dominicans over many years.
- Rosemary - Eugene, OR
I remain deeply grateful for God’s blessings and the support of our benefactors. As I begin my ministry as a Deacon, I look forward to serving God and his people, who, through their prayers and financial support, are making my service possible.
- Rev. Br. Martin Maria
When I think of the people who have supported us brothers (spiritually, personally, financially), I am given even more fire to work for the salvation of souls. On the spiritual side, God gives me the fire and grace to want to preach the Good News, but it’s also receiving the human support that helps the human side of me to keep up the “good fight”; but that’s what the body of Christ is all about: human to human support, love, and encouragement.
- Fr. Chrysostom
Thank you for giving us the time to invest in our future ministry. I know you have made some incredible sacrifices to make my formation possible, and I pray that these sacrifices are rewarded with rich dividends in your life as well as in our ministries.
- Fr. Dennis
I am grateful to God for you who support our Dominican formation—it is your generosity that makes our studies and training possible. We simply could not exist without your partnership in our mission of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May He richly reward you for this and the many other ways you contribute to His Kingdom!
- Fr. Christopher B.
I hope you realize that you are not simply supporting one organization among many others in the world. You are ensuring in a very real way that the faith has a fighting chance in the most secularized part of the United States. Where there is the most darkness, there is the greatest need of light; your contribution helps our friars become well-honed, well-formed bearers and defenders of the light of Christ.
- Fr. Thomas Aquinas
I am continually humbled by how blessed I am to have received my Dominican education and formation. This training has enabled me to hand on the fruits of my contemplation to others and bring them closer to Christ. I am deeply in the debt of all of the benefactors who have made this formation possible for me, and I hope they all know the immense fruits of their generosity.
- Fr. Christopher W.
The priest is not his own, he belongs to Christ and the Church; and when a man kneels down to receive the sacrament of orders he brings with him all those who have put him there through their own gifts and contributions. The fact that my Dominican formation was only made possible through the generosity of the people of God makes me realize all the more how my priesthood is meant to be a gift to the Church and a sacrifice for the people of God.
- Fr. Bradley
I am so grateful for the formation I received as a student brother. Those years of study, prayer and contemplation have prepared me well for my first priestly assignment, and I am very grateful to you for making it possible. Please pray that I may continue to grow as an instrument of the priesthood of Christ.
- Fr. Andrew
Ever since I was a teenager I’ve wanted to offer myself completely to God for the salvation of souls. Your generous contributions have helped to make that possible.
- Fr. Joseph Selinger, O.P.
I am truly humbled to know that I did not earn all these good things which I have received in the Order; it was from faithful Catholics who gave of themselves so that the Gospel may be preached. The overwhelming generosity of our donors reminds me that all that I have comes as a gift through the grace of God.
- Br. Matthew
I am grateful for your love and prayers! Because of your unwavering support for us student brothers, you have made our lives possible.
- Fr. Joshua
I support the friars because I love the impact they have! They helped me choose my faith! I'm Catholic because of the Dominicans.
- Alejandra - Seattle, WA