Dominican Life in the 21st Century
Ordination Mass
Tech to Preach - Catholic Hackathon
4 Tips for a Better Lent
Why St. Thomas Aquinas Matters
OPWest Launches New Website
May is Mary's Month
Our Friars are on TV
Consecrated Life Panel
DSPT Graduation
St. Marie Alphonsine
Masses of Thanksgiving
Fr. Gabriel Thomas Mosher, O.P.
Bl. John Dominic
The Blessing of Catholic Schools
Fr. Janko Zagar, O.P.
St. Catherine of Siena
Fr. Paul Duffner, O.P.
The Traveling Philosopher
Fr. Fabian Stan Parmisano, O.P.
The Law of Liberty
Flute and Piano Recital
Friars Preach Truth to Youth
Go Forth In the Face of Adversity
First Profession of Vows
Take the Novice Prayer Pledge
Work and Dignity
Centennial Mass
Mater Dolorosa
Novice Class 2015-2016
Our Lady of the Rosary
St. Jude Novena and Pilgrimage
St. Martin de Porres, O.P.
800 Years of Proclaiming the Gospel
DSPT Jubilee KickOff -- Early Lay Dominican Lecture
New Habits
Fr. Felix's Funeral
Fr. Paul's Funeral
The Real Saint Nicholas
Fr. Felix Cassidy, O.P.
Fr. Paul Scanlon, O.P.
Christmas Concert
New Year's Eve Vigil
Be A Preacher of Mercy
Rise Up And Focus
DSPT College of Fellows Convocation
Carnival: Feast Before the Fast
Fr. Vic's Funeral
Grand Opening of Cate's Café
DSPT Aquinas Lecture 2016
Solemn Vows 2016
Ordination Mass 2016
How Do Dominicans Elect Their Leaders?
Surprising Discoveries - The Southern Tour
Why Are the Statues Covered?
Musical Pilgrimage
Solemn Vows: A Commitment of Service Until Death
Christ is our Cornerstone
3 Tips for a Virtuous Vacation
St. Cecilia Music Festival
Fr. Michael Morris' Funeral
The Death of Saint Dominic
First Vows 2016
Lift High The Cross
Br. Mark Gorski's Funeral
The Power of the Rosary
Novice Class of 2016-2017
Praying for the Dead
Conferral of Special Degree
Why Christmas is December 25th
Pilgrimage to Portugal
Fr. Finbarr Hayes' Funeral
We Saw A Star Rising
College of Fellows Symposium
Fast Friars Run the Race
Solemn Vows 2017
Ordination Mass 2017
Dominican Traditions During Holy Week
Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic
Dominican Colloquia in Berkeley
Fr. Francisco Vicente's Funeral
First Vows 2017
Fr. Gerald Albert Buckley's Funeral
St. Juan Macias, O.P.
"Ecce Homo" Art Exhibit Opening
Brothers in the Lord
Novice Class of 2017-2018
Holy Rosary Philosophy Conference 2017
Fr. Joseph Asturias, O.P.
Advent and Apocalypse
Prepare the Way of the Lord
"Certitude of Truth" Now Available
Immaculate Mary: Facing the Dreaded Foe
Devotion to the Holy Name
Fr. Patrick LaBelle's Funeral
"Dominican Brothers" Book - Advancing the Mission
Double Take: Two Masses in Two Days
Ring In the New Year with the Novices
Live Lent Like a Dominican
Discovering a Desert in Bloom
Solemn Vows 2018
Easter Joy and the Resurrected Body
Western Dominican Named Auxiliary Bishop
Fr. Thomas Paul Chrysostom Raftery's Funeral
Bishop Comes Home
First Vows 2018
Commit to Forever
2018-19 Novitiate Class
Developing Dominican Leaders
Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Lourdes
Novices' Southern Tour
Ordination Mass 2018
Profession & the Promise of Obedience
With our arms extended
St. Thomas Meets Richard Dawkins - Aquinas on God, Faith and Religion
Set Apart to Serve
To Learn and Serve
The Battle of Lepanto and the Holy Rosary
Where is the Kingdom?
A Perennial Call
To Be Super
Christian Joy
Wanting Heaven
Truth, Technology and Transformation
Dominican All Souls Day
St. Albert: A Model for Scientist-Theologians
The Presentation of Mary
Dominican Study
Fr. Paul Duffner's Funeral
Fr. Aquinas Costello's Funeral
Advent: a Season of Watchful Preparation
The Impact of the Lima Center
A Century of Life & Service: Fr. Paul Aquinas Duffner, O.P.
Fr. Aquinas Costello, O.P.
The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation
St. Jude Shrine Christmas Novena
The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation
The Third Joyful Mystery: The Nativity
The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation
How Does a Dominican Chapter Work?
The Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding in the Temple
New Provincial Elected!
Does Jesus exaggerate when he says: “… apart from me you can do nothing”?
What is Celibacy?
Br. Frederick Narberes, O.P.
Br. Frederick Narberes, O.P. Funeral
St. Thomas and Obedience to the Truth
What is Morality About?
Preaching Like St. Paul
The Chair of St. Peter
Pilgrimage: Walking with God
And To Dust You Shall Return
A Vigil in Gethsemane
St. Albert's Priory Lecture on Blessed Jean-Joseph Lataste, O.P. | March 27, 2019
The Second Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
New Dominican Rectory Opens in Alaska
Accept the Crown of Love
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
Solemn Vows 2019
The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion
Ordination Mass 2019
Fr. Mark Padrez, O.P., Accepts New Position as Executive Director of CMSM
Mercy for a Traitor
The Day of the Lord
The Second Glorious Mystery: The Ascension
The Third Glorious Mystery: The Holy Spirit Comes Upon the Apostles at Pentecost
The Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption
The Coronation of Mary
Be Still
Dominicans Appoint New Director of Vocations
Residency Year
Wise and Compassionate
Bishop Robert Christian, O.P.
New Master of the Order Elected
First Vows 2019
Funeral Mass for Bishop Robert Christian, O.P.
"The Decalogue Decoded" Now Available
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Newman Center to Install New Crucifix
Take the Novice Prayer Pledge
Diaconate Ordination 2019
Novice Class of 2019-2020
Another Year Begins in the ‘School of Perfection’
Leaving Home
By the Grace of God
Ad Ministerium
Doctrine for the Thirsty Soul
Did Jesus Have Siblings?
Praising God
Fear of the Lord
An Instrument of God’s Healing
Western Dominican Province Releases New Mobile App
St. Cyril and the Eucharist
Reflections of Entering Religious Life
Thanksgiving and Surrender to Divine Providence
Advent’s Pregnant Pause
Loving God as a Habit
O Antiphons
Neuroscience and the Soul: A Thomistic Circles Conference
Christmas in New York
Reflections for the New Year
You Could Die Tomorrow
DSPT Convocation of the College of Fellows
An Epiphany of Love
'Does Freewill Exist?' Lecture by Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P.
The Mercy of God
Seattle’s New Recording of Liturgical Music
The Lord Works in Everyday Circumstances
Jordan the Magnanimous
Walk for Life West Coast 2020
The DSPT Annual Aquinas Lecture by Fr. Justin, Gable, O.P.
God Around the Corner
The Gift of Understanding: Loving our Enemies
Lenten Aspirations
Persevere in the Race
What Is Man That You Should Care for Him?
Is repentance an archaic response to Coronavirus?
Sacred Study in a Time of Isolation
Special Mass for COVID-19 Intentions on April 6th
Praying in the Dark
A Short History and Theology of Spiritual Communion
Pandemic Reflections
Solemn Vows 2020
The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life for His Sheep
We Shall Reap Our Harvest
World Wide Rosary Rally - LIVESTREAM on April 29, 2020 9:00 PM
The Ark of your Might
Dead Man Walking!
The Night is Always Darkest Before the Dawn
The Beauty of the Vow of Chastity
Truth in 60 Now Available on YouTube
Br. John Winkowitsch, O.P., to profess Solemn Vows
Livestream Now from Blessed Sacrament Church in Seattle
Captivated by the Master: A Theological Consideration of Jesus Christ
The New Mission West Newsletter Now Available
Three More Friars to Make First Profession
UPDATE: Ordination Mass 2020
Livestream: Saturday Night Rosary with the Dominicans
An Abridged History of Catholic Campus Ministry - 2nd Edition
Rosary Sunday is Here!
Valuing Truth Wherever It Is Found
Rosary with the Dominicans - LIVESTREAM on October 7th at 8PM
The Eucharist: Our Burning Bush
How to Waste Time Like a Saint
Wise Habits: 30 minutes with DSPT Scholars
Crash Course: How to Discern Your Vocation
Reflections on Death
A Meditation on Ecclesiastes
Sunflowers! Thank God!
The Jesus Prayer
How to Be a Neighbor
Getting Ready for Christmas
A Season of Hope
Vigil and Funeral Mass Schedule
Backpacking Rosary Reflection
A Spirituality Behind the Wheel
Crossing 2020 to 2021
Time to Ditch “Pro-Life Day of Prayer” for “Pro-Life Day of Action”?
The Noonday Demon
The Friendliness Called Affability
Christian Dignity
Fixing Our Attention on the Paschal Mystery During Lent
Solid Armor, Trained Arrows: Persevering in the Desert of the Conquering Christ
Try This Weird Benedictine Trick (Demons Will Hate You for It!)
Fr. Antoninus Wall, O.P. Vigil and Funeral Mass
A Tale of Two Oceans
The Greatest Show on Earth
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Spiritual Joy
Solemn Vows 2021
Thwarting the Devil
What is Freedom?
The 2021 DSPT Annual Aquinas Lecture
Ordination Mass Information
Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?
DSPT Presents: Ethics & Moral Theology
Would Pope Jesus be better than Ascending Jesus?
Now is the Day of Resurrection
Three words to help with confession
The Peace of Eastertide
Who is St. Joseph the Worker?
Grace Explained, new publication by Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P.
Seven Friars to Make First Profession on September 4, 2021
Bread from Heaven
Novice Class of 2021-2022
Mater Dolorosa vs. the Prosperity Gospel
The Eucharist, Grounds for HOPE
The Archangels
The Eucharist: Sacrament of Unity
World Premiere of Sleigh Ride
Watch Sleigh Ride Today
The Rosary: Role Models And Stories
The Rosary: Enter Into The Mysteries Of The Incarnation
The Rosary: Delving Into The Details Of The Mysteries
St. Martin And The Variety Of Vocations
How Do You Want To Live Your Last Hour?
Judgement and Gregory the Great
Heaven: Homesick for Jerusalem
Drifting Towards Hell
Why the Immaculate Conception is Necessary
Advent and Sacred Art
Carrying Christ to Others through Art
Glory Revealed
The Incarnation: Who is Jesus?
The Mystery of the Incarnation
Western Dominican Province Announces New President of the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology
Why did Jesus call Himself the Son of Man?
Mission West Newsletter | Winter 2021 - Now Available
Christ, the High Priest
Alaska Christmas Mission
Reports from the Dominican Alaska Christmas Mission
Getting to Know Simeon
The Two Trinities
Return to Nazareth
How Does Marriage Differ from Buying a Car?
2022 Lenten Mission Schedule
What is the Purpose of your Lenten Penance?
2022 DSPT Annual Aquinas Lecture
We Miserable Sinners, God’s Wonderful Mercy
Mary, Undoer of Knots
St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church
A Painter and a Sinner
Behold Man!
Mary – Mother and Model of Disciples
Affixing your Lenten Practices to Love
The Highest Conceivable Gift
Spy Wednesday
Jesus, Our Companion and Our Hope
Out of His Fullness, We Have All Received
Mary, Mother of God and Mother of All Believers
The Beauty of Our Mother
Book Release: For the Beauty of the Earth
Totus Tuus
Statement in Response to U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Roe v. Wade
Fr. Denis Reilly, O.P., Funeral
Novice Prayer Pledge 2022
Summer Reflection: Studying Arabic in Cairo
Novice Class of 2022-2023
Summer Reflection: Fraternity with Polish Brothers
Celebrating our Jubilarians
Summer Reflection: Studying Spanish in Mexico
Summer Reflection: Studying German in Berlin
Death of Fr. Thomas Hayes, O.P.
Incomprehensible Mercy
Consecrated to Obedience
The Choral Office: The Work of the Preacher
2024 Convocation of the College of Fellows: A Student Reflection
Feast of St. Joseph
The Power of Lenten Fasting
The Power of Lenten Almsgiving
The End and Means of Lent
The Power of Lenten Prayer
Confession: Calling Us Out of Comfort
Greeting the Resurrection through the Ages
Greeting the Resurrection through the Ages, Part Two
Greeting the Resurrection through the Ages, Part Three
Greeting the Resurrection through the Ages, Part Four
Eucharist: What Makes Us Who We Are
The Western Dominican Province and Thomas Aquinas College: A Lasting Connection
Canine Ecology
Was the Big Bang the Moment of Creation?
Reflections with Relics
Lay Up for Yourselves Treasure in Heaven
St. Michael the Archangel vs. The 6th Century Plague
The Rosary: Jesus and Mary’s Aid to the Order
The Rosary and Public Life
Meditating on the Mysteries: The Soul of the Rosary
The Rosary: How Our Trials Unite Us to God
Mercy Night
Saint Martin de Porres
Why Should We Pray Daily to St. Michael the Archangel?
Mission West - Fall 2022 Newsletter Now Available!
The Perfect Prayer
St. Michael: A Patron for our Trying Times
Rosary Sunday: The world needs good, faithful priests!
Rosary Sunday: Give the world good, faithful priests!
Mary, Queen and Mother
The Rosary as a School of Prayer
St. Jude, Intercession, and Sharing in God's Goodness
St. Martin de Porres - A Humble Saint
Honoring Our Bodies as Temples of the Holy Spirit
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi
LMP-LMI Transition
The Afterlife: Purgatory
The Afterlife: Heaven
Angelic Warfare Confraternity Enrollment Ceremony
The Afterlife: Hell
The Incarnation: God's Face
Advent Reflections: 1st Sunday of Advent
Our Brothers Thank You
Advent Reflections: 2nd Sunday of Advent
Immaculate Against the Idols
What you didn't know about St. Nicholas...
Friars in Print 2022
Advent Reflections: 3rd Sunday of Advent
The Incarnation: O Come, Divine Messiah!
Advent Reflections: 4th Sunday of Advent
The Incarnation: God's Story about God
St. Albert's Priory Chapel Christmas Schedule
Mission West - Winter 2022 Newsletter Now Available!
Mission West - Spring 2023 Newsletter Now Available!
Christmas, the Strategy of Christ, and the Mystery of the Holy Family
What Does Epiphany Have to Do With the Cross?
Provincial Chapter 2023: Spiritual Retreat
The Holy Name of Jesus: Rescued by a Name
Provincial Chapter 2023: Chapter Business Begins
Provincial Chapter 2023: Prior Provincial Elected!
Statement on the Election of Fr. Allen Moran, O.P., as Prior Provincial of the Eastern Dominican Province
The Holy Name of Jesus: The Power of His Name
Provincial Chapter 2023: More Elections
Western Dominican Province Announces Interim President of the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology
St. Thomas Aquinas: Spiritual Guide and Follower of Christ
Pilgrimage to Italy in the Footsteps of Aquinas
The Word Abides
Religious Life and the Life to Come
Presbyterate Ordinations
Eucharist: The Sacrament of Love
Eucharist: Fruit of the Tree of Life
The Unity and Diversity of the Mystical Body of Christ
Religious Life: A Total Gift to God
Cultivating a Healthy Sense of Shame
A Perfect Time to Sort Our Priorities
Thinking Again about Repentance
A Holy and Gentle Hatred of Sin
The Annunciation: Mary’s Fiat As Our Model of Humility
Dr. Scott Hahn is Coming to San Francisco!
Food of Pilgrimage, Pledge of Glory
Arc of the Triduum
The 2023 Cloisters Gala
Why did Jesus die?
Why does Jesus Keep His Wounds After Rising from the Dead?
The Tomb is Empty
Joseph Most Obedient
Palm Sunday: Embracing the Triumph and Humility of Christ
A Meditation for Good Friday
The Easter Octave: Rippling Joy
St. Catherine of Siena, A Patroness of Tears
Conquest of the Old Tyrant
Behold the Truth of Christ’s Resurrection with the Eyes of the Heart
The Ascension of the Lord
Pope Francis Names Rev. Steven Maekawa, O.P., Bishop-elect of Fairbanks
Become a Novice Prayer Partner!
Death of Fr. Paschal Salisbury
Death of Br. Gregory Lira, OP
What Is Sought in a Steward
Death of Fr. Bruno Gibson, OP
Death of Fr. David Bello, OP
Dominicans to Assume Pastoral Care of Newman Hall-Holy Spirit Parish in Berkeley
Brother Project
Death of Fr. Raymond Finerty, OP
Death of Fr. Donald Bramble, OP
Using This World Well
The Immaculate Mother of All the Living
Gregory Nazianzen: Doctor of Vigilance
Prepare The Way
St. Thomas Becket’s Martyrdom
Epiphany: The Invitation to Wonder at God’s Presence
Can you hear God through the noise?
A River of Many Waters: Brotherhood of Preachers
St. Albert's Holy Week 2024 Horarium
Go Sell What You Have
For the Son of Man Did Not Come to Be Served but to Serve
Your Faith Has Saved You
The Lord Our God Is Lord Alone
The Jar of Flour Shall Not Go Empty
You Are My Inheritance, O Lord
Let Us Rejoice, Jesus Christ is King!
Be Vigilant At All Times
Prepare the Way of the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord Always
Blessed Are You Among Women
Why Were You Looking for Me?
We Have Come to Do Him Homage
You Are My Beloved Son
Do Whatever He Tells You to Do
Today the Scripture is Fulfilled
My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation
Put Out Into Deep Water
Dominican Life in the 21st Century
Solemn Vows 2023
Provincial Chapter 2023
St. Jude Pilgrimage 2022
Master of the Order Visitation 2022
Diaconate Ordinations 2022
Ordinations 2022
Provincial Assembly 2022
Solemn Vows 2022
Installation of Lectors | 2022
Walk for Life | 2022
St. Albert Priory Fallen Trees 2022
Ordinations 2021
First Profession 2021
Walk for Life West Coast 2020
St. Jude Pilgrimage 2019
Diaconate Ordination 2019
Ordinations 2019
Solemn Vows 2019
Dominican Rectory Opens In Alaska!
Walk For Life 2019 | Why We March
St. Jude Pilgrimage | 2018
First Vows 2018
Fr. Paul Duffner, O.P. | A Life In Pictures
Diaconate Ordinations 2018
Ordinations 2018
Solemn Vows 2018
Bishop Christian Ordination 2018
Walk For Life 2018
Fr. Patrick LaBelle’s Funeral
First Vows 2017
Vestition 2017
Ordinations 2017
Solemn Vows 2017
Fast Friars Half-Marathon
Walk For Life 2017
Jubilee Closing Events
Master Of Sacred Theology
First Vows 2016
Vestition 2016
Fr. Michael Morris’ Funeral
Jubilee Assembly 2016
First Masses – May 2016
Ordinations 2016
2016 Solemn Profession
Novice Tour (South) 2016
Dei Verbum Conference
Solemn Vows 2023
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St. Dominic’s Catholic Church
St. Catherine of Siena Newman Center
St. Benedict Lodge
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Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus
Rosary Center & Confraternity
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Prince Of Peace Catholic Newman Center
Parroquia de Santa Maria de Guadalupe
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Family Catholic Church
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
Dominican Mission Foundation
Catholic Community At Stanford
Blessed Sacrament Church
Newman Hall Holy Spirit
St. Dominic Cemetery
St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center
Friars Directory
Fr. Michael Augustine Amabisco, O.P.
Fr. David Bello, O.P.
Fr. Vincent Benoit, O.P.
Fr. Bernhard Blankenhorn, O.P.
Br. Michael Thomas Cain, O.P.
Br. Xavier Marie Wu, O.P.
Fr. Gary Cappleman, O.P.
Fr. Michael Carey, O.P.
Fr. Nathan Castle, O.P.
Fr. Timothy Conlan, O.P.
Fr. Alejandro Crosthwaite, O.P.
Fr. Bartholomew de la Torre, O.P.
Fr. Thomas De Man, O.P.
Fr. Peter Do, O.P.
Fr. Allen Duston, O.P.
Fr. Jude Eli, O.P.
Fr. David Geib, O.P.
Fr. Bruno Gibson, O.P.
Fr. Francis Goode, O.P.
Fr. Kenneth Gumbert, O.P.
Fr. LaSalle Hallissey, O.P.
Fr. Peter Hannah, O.P.
Fr. Michael Hurley, O.P.
Fr. Dennis Klein, O.P.
Fr. Edward Krasevac, O.P.
Fr. Bryan Kromholtz, O.P.
Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, O.P.
Fr. Cassian Lewinski, O.P.
Br. Gregory Lira, O.P.
Bishop Steven Maekawa, O.P.
Fr. Hilary Martin, O.P.
Fr. Reginald Martin, O.P.
Fr. John Thomas Mellein, O.P.
Fr. Isaiah Mary Molano, O.P.
Fr. James Moore, O.P.
Fr. Gabriel Mosher, O.P.
Fr. Joseph O'Brien, O.P.
Fr. David Orique, O.P.
Fr. David O'Rourke, O.P.
Fr. Anthony Patalano, O.P.
Fr. Sergius Propst, O.P.
Fr. Paul Raftery, O.P.
Fr. Peter Rogers, O.P.
Fr. Anthony Rosevear, O.P.
Fr. Raphael Mary Salzillo, O.P.
Fr. Vincent Serpa, O.P.
Fr. Michael Sweeney, O.P.
Fr. Marcin Szymanski, O.P.
Fr. Gregory Tatum, O.P.
Fr. Emmerich Vogt, O.P.
Fr. Martin Walsh, O.P.
Fr. Joshua Gatus, O.P.
Fr. Matthew Wanner, O.P.
Br. Francis Dominic Nguyen, O.P.
Br. Philip Neri Gerlomes, O.P.
Br. Luke Maria Lee, O.P.
Br. Benedict Mary Bartsch, O.P.
Rev. Br. Elias Guadalupe Ford, O.P.
Rev. Br. Antony Augustine Cherian, O.P.
Rev. Br. Nathaniel Maria Mayne, O.P.
Rev. Br. John Peter Anderson, O.P.
Fr. John Winkowitsch, O.P.
Br. Paschal Strader, O.P.
Br. Athanasius Thompson, O.P.
Fr. Andrew Thomas Kang, O.P.
Br. Scott Norgaard, O.P.
Fr. Columban Mary Hall, O.P.
Fr. Patrick Rooney, O.P.
Fr. Matthew Heynen, O.P.
Fr. Joseph Selinger, O.P.
Fr. Chrysostom Mijinke, O.P.
Fr. Gregory Liu, O.P.
Fr. Pius Youn, O.P.
Fr. Thomas Aquinas Pickett, O.P.
Fr. Cody Jorgensen, O.P.
Fr. Andrew Opsahl, O.P.
Fr. Bradley Thomas Elliott, O.P.
Fr. Christopher Wetzel, O.P.
Fr. Christopher Brannan, O.P.
Fr. Justin Gable, O.P.
Br. Michael James Rivera, O.P.
Fr. Corwin Low, O.P.
Fr. Dominic David Maichrowicz, O.P.
Fr. Emmanuel Taylor, O.P.
Fr. Mark Francis Manzano, O.P.
Fr. John Marie Bingham, O.P.
Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P.
Br. Lupe Gonzalez, O.P.
Fr. Stephen Maria Lopez, O.P.
Fr. Augustine Hilander, O.P.
Fr. Dominic DeMaio, O.P.
Fr. Dismas Sayre, O.P.
Fr. Jerome Cudden, O.P.
Fr. Vincent Kelber, O.P.
Fr. Francis Le, O.P.
Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P.
Fr. James Thompson, O.P.
Fr. Bartholomew Hutcherson, O.P.
Fr. Carl Schlichte, O.P.
Fr. Dominic Briese, O.P.
Fr. Joseph Sergott, O.P.
Fr. Mark Padrez, O.P.
Fr. Dominic DeLay, O.P.
Fr. Michael Fones, O.P.
Fr. Roberto Corral, O.P.
Fr. Brendan McAnerney, O.P.
Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P.
Fr. Daniel Syverstad, O.P.
Fr. Richard Schenk, O.P.
Fr. Paul Conner, O.P.
Fr. John Morris, O.P.
Fr. Michael Dodds, O.P.
Fr. Luke Buckles, O.P.
Fr. John Paul Forte, O.P.
Fr. Patrick O’Neil, O.P.
Fr. Daniel Rolland, O.P.
Fr. Albert Felice-Pace, O.P.
Fr. Kieran Healy, O.P.
Fr. Vincent Lopez, O.P.
Fr. Christopher Renz, O.P.
Fr. Ambrose Sigman, O.P.
Fr. Jordan Bradshaw, O.P.
Fr. David Farrugia, O.P.
Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P.
Fr. Michael Sherwin, O.P.
Fr. Eugene Sousa, O.P.
Br. Kevin Peter Cantu, O.P.
Br. John Vianney Russell, O.P.
Br. Anthony Maria Akerman, O.P.
Br. Anselm Dominic LeFave, O.P.
Br. Peter Pius Chu, O.P.
Br. Jordan Martin, O.P.
Br. John Paul Puschautz
Br. Alphonsus Vu, O.P.
Br. Anthony Michael Martin, O.P.
Br. Thomas Maria Johns, O.P.
Br. Humbert McCrorey, O.P.
Br. Albert Mary Uplaznik, O.P.
Br. Antonio María Aguilar, O.P.
Br. Hyacinth Marie Bui, O.P.
Br. Ignatius Jerome Alsop, O.P.
Br. Peter Lawrence Vu, O.P.
Br. Raphael Akita Knox, O.P.
Br. David Nadeau
Br. Dominic Mary Beaupre
Br. Francis Mary Sogge
Br. Joseph Sadoc Lee
Br. Jude Angelico DuCharme
Br. Mark Joseph Soto
Br. Paul Dismas Carty
Br. Pius Carlo Enclona
Br. Serafin Guadalupe Malfabon
Rev. Br. Tam Nguyen, O.P.
Fr. Michael Augustine Amabisco, O.P.
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