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Itinerant Preaching

Itinerant Preaching

The Dominican friars engage in preaching missions across the Province, following in the footsteps of St. Dominic.


Western Dominican Preaching

Western Dominican Preaching has served throughout the western United States since the arrival of the Order of Preachers in the early 1850s. We offer parish missions, novenas, retreats, days of recollection, and catechesis for adults.

A mission lasts for six days and allows parishioners to come together for an intense period of prayer and reflection upon the Word of God. Novenas last for nine days, and are usually associated with a feast or particular need. Retreats and days of recollection vary in length. Adult Catechesis can last up to two weeks long, and is intended for those who have a sincere desire to grow in their faith through critical reflection and study of the Gospel message and the Church’s Tradition.

Around the Province

"The Dominicans preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus powerfully and knowledgeably. I need this! And so does the Church and the world!"
- Keith, Coeur d'Alene, ID

"The Dominicans have helped us immensely in our spiritual growth with their praise, to bless, and to preach [the Gospel]."
- Elpidio and Maria, Vallejo, CA

"I've greatly appreciated the service of Dominicans through their orthodox defense of the faith, inspiring preaching, and ministry at parishes and on university campuses."
- Joe, San Diego, CA

Contact the Preaching Office

Fr. Bartholomew Hutcherson, O.P.

Fr. Bartholomew Hutcherson, O.P.

Learn more about Fr. Bart on his website, The Pilgrim Preacher.

Author of For the Beauty of the Earth: Experiencing the Glory of God in the Wonders of the 49th State (2022). Read more here!

Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P.

Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P.

Learn more by visiting Fr. Brian's website.

Watch Fr. Brian speak on EWTN's Life on the Rock in 2021

Awarded the 2022 Pro Fidelitate et Virtute Award by the Institute on Religious Life

Author of St. Thomas Aquinas Rescues Modern Psychology (2022), Grace Explained: How to Receive -- And Retain --God's Most Potent Gift (2021), Both Servant And Free: A Primer in Fundamental Moral Theology (2011), and more!

Fr. Sergius Propst, O.P.

Fr. Sergius Propst, O.P.

Fr. Nathan Castle, O.P.

Fr. Nathan Castle, O.P.


Fr. Emmerich Vogt, O.P.

Author of Detaching with Love (audio CDs, 2016), The Freedom to Love: Recovery and the Seven Deadly Sins (2012), and more!

Watch Fr. Emmerich on EWTN's Eucharistic Principles of the Spiritual Life.