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An Abridged History of Catholic Campus Ministry - 2nd Edition

Dominican Father, Albert Felice-Pace, O.P,. has published an updated 2nd edition of his book, “An Abridged History of Catholic Campus Ministry”.

In the book, Fr. Felice-Pace, O.P., explores the history and transformation of Catholic campus ministry in the U.S., including his personal campus ministry experiences.

Dr. Michael St. Pierre, Ph.D., the Executive Director of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association had this to say:

I just finished the book - wow! What a great labor of love and a terrific resource. Thank you so much for your heart, wisdom and hard work. I have been recommending this to others as well and continue to do so.

Dr. Lisa Armijo Zorita, Ph.D, alumna of the University of Arizona Newman Center in Tucson, writes:

A thoughtful and enlightening book that paints the pivotal picture of a multifaceted, dynamic campus ministry history where resiliency, collaboration, and faith reign. These historical stories illustrate the profound impact of campus ministry and the courageous women and men who brought Catholicism to the masses while empowering social justice across diverse faiths and backgrounds. The Newman Center and those who serve within it enliven our Catholic faith, inspire pragmatic action and responsible leadership, and create renewal of humanity and God’s love in our world. Thank you for all you have done to transform the faith of generations and future generations to come.

To order a copy of the book, send a $15 check payable to Fr. Albert Felice-Pace, O.P., 1701 Chapman Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89104. Once ordered, Fr. Felice-Pace, O.P., will ship your item.