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The Cooperator Brother Video Project

While many of the Dominican brothers that you meet are novices or students preparing for ordination, that's not always the case. The Order of Preachers, like many religious orders, includes men who profess vows as consecrated religious, but who do not seek ordination. While their ministry is not sacramental, it is still vital to the mission of preaching the Gospel. Among the Dominicans, these men are known as cooperator brothers.

The Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus is excited to announce that we will soon begin a massive film project to answer questions about what it means to be a cooperator brother and the call to consecrated life.

This project includes traveling to all four provinces in the United States and interviewing brothers as they:

  • Reflect on the theology of religious life
  • Discuss the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience
  • Talk about renewed interest in the vocation
  • Tell the stories of lesser-known brothers throughout the history of the Order
  • And share their excitement about the future of this amazing vocation

Please take a moment to pray for the fruitfulness of this project and the many young men who are discerning this way of life.

Almighty God, we praise you for the witness and ministry of our Dominican cooperator brothers. Deepen our appreciation for their vocation and commitment to consecrated life. Strengthen those who are discerning life as a brother, and grant them the grace to proclaim your Holy Name throughout the world. Amen.

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