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Fairbanks Fundraising Landing Page

Support the Diocese of Fairbanks

Bishop Maekawa Needs Your Help

Help us support the new Dominican Bishop of Fairbanks as he preaches the Gospel across the largest, and one of the poorest and most remote, dioceses in the U.S.

  • Only 9 of 46 parishes are accessible by road - the rest are only accessible by plane, boat, snowmachine, or ATV
  • Only 17% of its parishes can support themselves financially

Bishop Maekawa has spent his entire religious life living in community as a mendicant (begging) friar – a Dominican. As such, your gift today helps him acquire the supplies, liturgical items, and other things he needs to begin his ministry and support the people of his new diocese.

100% of your donation was passed on to Bishop Maekawa and his new diocese, benefitting three important areas of need:

  1. Episcopal Vestments and Liturgical Items
  2. Apostolic Supplies, Equipment, and Clothing
  3. Greatest Apostolic Needs

Thank you for your generosity - you raised a total of $52,834.72 for Bishop Maekawa! You helped us send off a son of the Western Province 'Into the Deep' of his new ministry. With God’s grace and your help, his apostolate in the North will bear great fruit!

If you wish to continue to support Bishop Maekawa, we gratefully invite you to give directly to the Diocese of Fairbanks to make a secure electronic gift at the button below.

Donate Now

For check gifts, please make your checks payable to Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska, or CBNA, and mail them to:

Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
1316 Peger Rd
Fairbanks AK 99709

Watch the recording of Solemn Vespers and the Consecration Mass!

Diocese of Fairbanks - Website

Facebook Live - Vespers

Facebook Live - Mass