Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P.
Position: Priest
First Profession:08/04/1967
Contact:Provincial Office, Oakland | 510-596-1800
Publications:St. Thomas Aquinas’ Commentary on the Book of Job. Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. (2016) Catholic Social Order. Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. (2015) Both a Servant and Free: A Primer in Fundamental Moral Theology. Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. (2011) Light of the Nations. Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. (2006) Man’s Desire for God. Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. (2003) The Meaning of the Term “Moral” in St. Thomas Aquinas (Studi Tomistici, 27). Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. (1996) Specialized Morals. Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. (1985)