Year in Review
We accomplished so much in 2022 thanks to God's grace and friends like you!
Scroll down through the timeline below for a selection of this year's important moments in our province! Thank you for your support!

Dominicans Stood for Life at Walk for Life West Coast
Our friars marched prayerfully through one of the most secular cities in the country, joining thousands of defenders of life in San Francisco, California.

You Answered our Call After a Storm
A severe storm brought down several large trees at St. Albert's Priory, our house of studies. Thanks to the help of our friends and benefactors, we were able to clean up the fallen trees, repair damaged fences and internet lines, and restore our gardens to their treasured use for contemplative prayer.

Catholic College Students in California Grew Closer to God at UCCC's Annual Conference in Berkeley
Our friars, along with other religious brothers and sisters, sponsored the 10th annual University Catholic Conference of California (UCCC). UCCC's mission is to support Catholic college students, addressing the blessings and challenges of what it means to be Catholic in a college setting.

Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P., Began Role as President of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P., an expert historian in Medieval Christianity and Church history, assumed the role of President of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (PIMS) in Toronto, Canada.

Young Men Discerned at Our Spring "Come and See" Weekend
At our spring "Come and See" weekend, fourteen young men discerning religious life spent a weekend at St. Albert's Priory to experience life with the brethren and learn more about the Order. Your prayers for vocations to religious life join with the prayers of our brothers, and with God's grace we are blessed to have a growing class of friars in formation!

We Prayed for Peace in Ukraine, Joining an Act of Consecration
On the Feast of the Annunciation, our friars joined the Holy Father in consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
“Therefore, Mother of God and our mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine.”
Our prayers continue, along with our support for Dominicans still in active ministry in Ukraine.

Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., Honored By The Institute on Religious Life
A well-known author, speaker, and professor, and a faithful priest for 50 years, Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P., was awarded the Pro Fidelitate et Virtute Award by the Institute on Religious Life.

Over $1 Million Raised for Ukraine
In April, we reached a milestone of support for our Dominican brothers in Ukraine. Thanks to your overwhelming generosity, we've sent direct support to Ukrainian refugees in need of housing, food, clothes, medical care, and more! As of January 1, 2023, we've provided over $1.3 Million in support!
“Let us ask the Lord to grant that Jesus taught us that the diabolical senselessness of violence is answered with God’s weapons, with prayer and fasting. May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war.”
- Pope Francis, General Audience, February 23, 2022

Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P., Published in The New Apologetics
A professor and author specializing on the topic of artificial intelligence, Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P., published a chapter in Word on Fire’s new book, The New Apologetics.

Four More Men Became Dominicans for Life
Br. Athanasius Thompson, O.P., Br. Paschal Strader, O.P., Br. Scott Norgaard, O.P., and Br. Andrew Thomas Kang, O.P. [from L to R] professed solemn (lifelong) vows to the Dominican Order, devoting their life to the Order of Preachers. Thank you for your prayers, which sustain these young men!

DSPT Graduated Another Class of Future Teachers and Preachers
Thanks to your support and prayers, The Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology continues to be a center of thomistic education in the west, sending another class of lay and religious students into the world with certificates and Master's degrees.

All Our Friars Gathered in Fraternity for Provincial Assembly
What a blessing to see all our brothers together! Friars from across the province gathered for Provincial Assembly, an important fraternal gathering that occurs every four years.

Three New Dominican Priests Ordained by Bishop Robert Barron
Thanks be to God! Three more Dominican priests answered the call to priesthood, ordained by Bishop Robert Barron at St. Dominic Church in San Francisco. We thank God for the blessing of these friars-priests -- Fr. Joseph Selinger, O.P., Fr. Joshua Gatus, O.P., and Fr. Matthew Heynen, O.P.

We Celebrated the Life of Our Brother, Fr. Denis Reilly, O.P.
Our beloved brother Fr. Denis Reilly, O.P., rests in peace after 52 faithful years of priesthood. While we mourn his passing from this life, we pray in gratitude for his service to God and pray his soul rests peacefully in the arms of our risen Lord.
"We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now; and not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, we also groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies."
Romans 8:22-23

Dominican Campus Ministers and Student Leaders Discussed College Ministry at DISM
Our friars hosted 68 campus ministers and students from Newman Centers across the Western Dominican Province for a gathering of the Dominican Institute for Student Ministry (DISM) to enhance their call to service. Nourishing and teaching this young generation is an important ministry in our province -- a ministry your support makes possible!

Our Dominicans Joined Friars From Around the World for General Chapter
The Order of Preachers thrives and continues forward in the pursuit of Truth! Fr. Michael Hurley, O.P., and Fr. Bernhard Blankenhorn, O.P., served as delegates at the Order’s General Chapter in Mexico. General Chapter is an assembly of all the provinces in the Order, and is the highest authority in the Order of Preachers. All the provinces gathered to discuss the state of the Order and the future of its governance and ministries.

Five Brothers Renewed their Vows to the Order of Preachers
As they continue their formation, five of our student brothers renewed their simple vows to the Dominican Order at St. Benedict's Lodge in McKenzie Bridge, Oregon. Master of Students Fr. Stephen Maria Lopez, O.P. (far left) and Prior Provincial Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. (far right) stand in celebration with (L to R) Br. Xavier Marie Wu, O.P., Br. Matthew Wanner, O.P., Br. Michael Thomas Cain, O.P., Br. Kevin Peter Cantu, O.P., and Br. Jose Maria Barrero, O.P.

Four Novices Received the Dominican Habit
Beginning their novitiate year surrounded by your prayers, four young men received the Dominican habit at Vestition and began their novitiate year. Thank you to all who joined the Novice Prayer Pledge and prayed for these men as they took their first steps into religious life.

We Celebrated the Life of Our Brother, Fr. Thomas Hayes, O.P.
Our beloved brother Fr. Thomas Hayes, O.P., rests in peace after 63 faithful years of priesthood. While we mourn the end of his time on this earth, we lift our hearts in gratitude for his service to God and pray his soul rests peacefully in the arms of our risen Lord.
"Whoever is in Christ is a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come."
2 Corinthians 5:17

Two Dominicans Were Ordained to the Diaconate
Rev. Br. Dominic Phong Hoang Nguyen, O.P. and Rev. Br. Patrick Rooney, O.P. were ordained to the Order of the Diaconate by Bishop Jaime Sutto, Bishop of Sacramento. Thanks to your prayers and support, they will serve Christ and you as ordained ministers of the Church. God bless you, brothers! We pray you always have the heart of a deacon!

The Master of the Order Visited our Province
We were blessed with a visit from Master of the Order, Fr. Gerard Timoner, O.P., who traveled throughout our province to visit with our brothers and see our ministry sites. We are so grateful for your support, which allows our ministries to flourish! Hear more about what makes our province unique from Fr. Gerard below!

The Installation of Fr. Allen Moran, O.P. as President of DSPT
Fr. Allen Moran, O.P., was installed as the new President of the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology (DSPT). An insightful leader and faithful priest, we are honored by his leadership and look forward to the future of our school as a center of studies for the Order of Preachers. Thanks to your support and prayers, DSPT continues to educate both religious and lay students so they may serve the Church by teaching and preaching the Truth of the Gospel.

Your Support Helped Provide for Our Friars in Formation
Our annual Rosary Sunday: Dominican Student Appeal was successful as a major fundraiser for our 35 friars in formation. As our province grows in number, with more friars in our studentate and novitiate, the cost to provide for their daily needs and education increases as well. Thank you to everyone who supported our friars in formation this year -- below is a message of gratitude from our friars!

Thousands of Pilgrims Walked Through San Francisco in Honor of St. Jude-Thaddeus
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Dominicans led thousands in the annual Pilgrimage of St. Jude Thaddeus. St. Jude, patron saint of impossible cases, has led many souls to Christ and continues to bring lost souls to our humble shrine within St. Dominic Church. We're so thankful for your support of our St. Jude Shrine, allowing our humble shrine to serve as a shoot of Hope in the city of San Francisco.

Young Men Discerned at Our Fall "Come and See" Weekend
At our fall "Come and See" weekend, twenty-four young men discerning religious life spent a weekend at St. Albert's Priory to experience life with the brethren and learn more about the Order. Your prayers for vocations to religious life join with the prayers of our brothers, and with God's grace we are blessed to have a growing class of friars in formation!

Two Diocesan Priests Became Novices in the Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic
Beginning their novice year, two diocesan priests began formation in the Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic. These priests prepare to become members of the Dominican Family, and will share in the mission of the Order within the local and universal Church. We're thankful to these men for their faithful service and pray for God's blessing!
Click here to learn more about the Priestly Fraternities of St. Dominic

A Thomistic Institute Retreat Enriched Students' Knowledge of Eschatology
St. Albert’s Priory hosted a Thomistic Institute Retreat for undergraduate and graduate students, an intellectual retreat centered around the subject of Church teachings on Eschatology. Striving to promote the intellectual formation of Christians at universities, we're thankful to partner with Thomistic Institute to help spread the Truth of the Gospel -- especially in our world's youngest generations.

Our Friars Honored Our Lady of Guadalupe at Our Missions in Mexico
The Co-Patronness of our province, Our Lady of Guadalupe holds a special place in the hearts of Western Dominicans. As we honored Our Lady here in the United States, our friars assigned to our missions in Mexicali, Mexico celebrated with nightly pilgrimages and Masses at our parish church as well as two nearby chapels. We're grateful for your support of our missionary endeavors as we continue to spread the Gospel in the west!
Thank you for your generous support, for your friendship, for your prayers. You make our way of life possible -- allowing us to devote our lives to preaching the Gospel of Christ for the salvation of souls. It's the support of friends like you that sustains us!
May God bless you and your loved ones this year -- and always!