Fr. Michael Sherwin, O.P.

Position: Priest
First Profession:09/22/1984
Contact:Provincial Office, Oakland | 510-658-8722

Publications:Sujet moral et communauté. Edited by Denis Muller, Craig Steven Titus, Nathalie Maillard, and Fr. Michael S. Sherwin, O.P. (2008) After Wittgenstein, Saint Thomas. Roger Pouivet and Fr. Michael Sherwin, O.P. (2007) By Knowledge & By Love: Charity and Knowledge in the Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas. Fr. Michael Sherwin, O.P. (2005) Morality: The Catholic View. Servais Pinckaers. Translated by Fr. Michael Sherwin, O.P. (2003)