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Ukraine Benefit - Indiana Donation Page

Give to help the Ukrainian People

Support the Dominican brothers in Ukraine and Poland

Video from Fr. Lukasz Misko

Filmed on March 3, 2022 in Western Poland

Be sure to turn on Closed Captions to read the English Translation

A Message From Inside Ukraine

My heart is welling with hope, and I’m authentically moved by your readiness to help. We are not capable however, especially in Kyiv or in Fastiv, to coordinate material help, facilitate refugee transfer to Poland, or organize transport of things. Please act in your own locations, wherever you live. If we need anything and we know it would be possible to achieve, we will let you know, and we will ask you.

Please connect to our Dominican priories in Poland — I know that my brothers and sisters are up to the task... We are gathering means that we intend to use now and also in the future. I know for sure that they will be very needed.

Here “on the front lines” we are not able to deal with this ocean of good initiative from the whole world, and we have to stay focused on those who are immediately next to us.
- Fr. Jaroslaw Krawiec, OP, in Kyiv

Give to help the Ukrainian People

100% of funds donated will be collected by the Western Dominican Province, then transferred to the Polish Dominican Province, who is on the front lines of providing refugees with food, clothing, housing, and medical care.

If you’re inspired to help, please make a gift and join us in working to alleviate the suffering caused by the war in Ukraine.

Thank you for your kindness!

If you plan to make a gift greater than $10,000, we recommend mailing a check to avoid larger processing fees. Checks should be made out to:
Western Dominican Province with Indiana Ukraine Benefit in the memo line.

Mail checks to: 5877 Birch Ct., Oakland, CA 94618

Want to give stock? Contact the Advancement team at 510-295-0115 or

The Province of the Holy Name, Inc. (dba the Western Dominican Province) is recognized as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is classified as a public charity under section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code. No goods or services, other than intangible religious benefits, were received in exchange for the contributions reported herein.

In compliance with the US Internal Revenue Code and applicable Regulations, the Board of Directors of WDP maintains control and discretion over the allocation of donations. Federal Tax ID #: 94-6081023