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OPWest Launches New Website

It's an exciting day for the Order of Preachers and the Dominican friars of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. After nearly a year of planning and preparations, we've finally launched our province's new website, with great content and features we're sure you'll enjoy.

New Design and Structure
The first thing you'll notice is our new design. We wanted the experience of our users to be a feast for the eyes, as well as the mind and heart, so we've added high-resolution photos - and lots of them. Our pages are also responsive, so they can be viewed on tablets and mobile devices. In addition to these design changes, we've also made adjustments to our sitemap and structure. This will make it easier for you to find the pages, posts, and content you're looking for.

The Blog
Our new blog will be the place to keep up to date on all the happenings around the province. Posts are categorized as Profiles, News, Features, or Events. Each week we'll have a new profile, either: a living friar, deceased friar, Saint/Blessed of the Order, or a Friend of the Province. News posts are stories about things that have happened around the province, while Features are articles about the Sacraments, Faith and Science, Pop Culture, Morality, and other topics you'll find interesting.

Event posts, as the name suggests, are about things that will be happening in the future. Eventually these posts will be linked to a Calendar that we'll be rolling out in the coming months. In addition to finding all the details about an event, you'll be able to RSVP, register or purchase tickets.

Along with the Calendar, we'll be opening an online store later this year. We'll be adding great Catholic material you can order from our ministry sites around the province, such as videos, publications, religious items, and other resources.

In the past, we shared insightful written homilies from our friars around the province, but soon you'll have access to video and audio, too. You'll be able to watch or listen to your favorite friars share their homilies and reflections, see the latest educational series from the province, or watch an inspiring promotion. Stay tuned!

Don't forget to connect with us via Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo and LinkedIn. And be sure to share what you find here on your favorite social media platforms. Join us in our mission to preach for the salvation of souls, and help us proclaim the Gospel online.
Please Enjoy

There's so much to explore on the new site. Thousands of hours have gone into this endeavor, so we hope you enjoy it. And if you find a typo, a link that's not working, or things that aren't formatting properly on your screen, please let us know. We appreciate the help.

--Br. Michael James Rivera, O.P.
Webmaster, Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus