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OPWest Podcasts

OPWest Podcasts


Listen to your favorite Dominicans across the web! Here are some places you can listen to Western Dominicans giving talks, reflections, or lectures. Check back regularly! As a preaching Order, our friars are regularly preaching across the West and around the world!

Click below:

Knowing the Unknown God: Fr. John Winkowitsch, O.P.

God’s Knowledge and Ours: Fr. John Winkowitsch, O.P.

Works of the Law: Early Church vs. The Reformation: Dr. Matthew Thomas

DSPT Wise Habits: Every month, the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology brings scholars and student together to discuss art, theology, and more! 

St. Dominic’s Weekly: Listen to Fr. Michael Hurley, O.P., at St. Dominic’s in San Francisco during his weekly podcast.