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Ukraine Main Fundraising Page

Dominican Aid to Ukraine

Support for our Dominican brothers in Ukraine and Poland

The Western Dominican Province has had a longstanding relationship with our brothers in the Dominican Province of Poland -- and by extension with the Dominican Vicariate of Ukraine, which is supported by and under the jurisdiction of the Polish Province. Several Polish Dominicans currently serve in our province, and each year several Polish student brothers live among our own student brothers for a year as they study for at the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology.

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, our Dominican brothers in Poland immediately leapt into action to provide food, clothes, medical care, and housing in their priories for refugees streaming across the border from Ukraine. Our brothers in Ukraine have remained on the ground to provide food, shelter, and supplies to Ukrainians who remain in their homeland.

Click below to give direct support to support Ukrainians suffering from this terrible conflict!

Give to Support Ukraine


Your Impact in Ukraine

Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of friends like you, we've been able to provide over $1.3 Million in direct support to Ukrainian refugees served by our Dominican brothers in Poland and Ukraine. Over $1.1 Million of the funds generously given are directly from individual donors. Thank you for your support! Without the grace of God and your kindness, the most vulnerable Ukrainians under the care of our Dominican brothers would suffer even more.

Read more about your impact below, including photos and stories from our Prior Provincial, Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P., during his September 2022 trip to Poland and Ukraine!


Continued Support

Looking for ways to provide continued support?

Spiritual Support: Please keep Ukraine, the people of Ukraine, and our Dominican brothers and sisters serving in the region in your prayers. Below you'll find a tab with "Spiritual Resources" that includes prayers and prayerful words from our Church leaders.

Financial Support: As the conflict continues, if you are able to give to help Ukrainian refugees, you may donate securely online here.


    Updates from Ukraine

    Below you'll find "Letters from Ukraine" from our Dominican brother, Fr. Jaroslaw Krawiec, O.P., who is on the ground and continues to send updates about the Dominicans' ministry in Ukraine.

    Recently, the Prior Provincial of the Western Dominican Province, Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P., visited Poland and Ukraine. Browse "Prior Provincial's Visit" below to learn more about his trip and his firsthand view of the impact of your donations to help the people of Ukraine.