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Special Mass for COVID-19 Intentions on April 6th

On April 6th, Fr. James Moore, O.P., will be celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for you, your loved ones, anyone who is sick or has died from the virus, and your other intentions related to the COVID-19 outbreak.


Fr. James will be placing your name and intentions on the altar, offering up your physical, spiritual, emotional and economic sufferings in unity with the passion of our Lord.

This Mass will take place in the Holy Face chapel of St. Albert the Great Priory. Here, a treasured painting of the Holy Face hangs over the altar. The painting is a 19th century original and was commissioned by Pope Pius IX. He had been inspired by the visions of the 19th century mystic, Sr. Marie of St. Peter.

Please feel free to forward this webpage to family and friends so they may participate too.

Submit your intentions online here.