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Dominican Liturgical Resources

2021 Liturgical Calendar for the Order of Preachers


November 2021

December 2021


This Liturgical Calendar follows the Roman Calendar (1969), adopted for  use  in  the  Provinces of the United States by the inclusion of celebrations from the Proper Calendar for the Dioceses of the United States of America (as found in the Roman Missal 2011) and the  Calendar  of the Order of Preachers (approved by the General Council of the Master of the Order on 15 May 2018 and approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on  14 April 2019). Celebrations proper to the Province of St. Joseph the Worker are indicated. For the  most part only what pertains to the celebration of the Eucharist is noted.

References to the Liturgy of the Hours are limited to indicating the proper week of the four?week psalter to be used and an occasional reference to customs proper to the Order.




  1. Holy Days of Obligation [USA]: By a decision of the USCCB confirmed by the Congregation for Bishops on 4 July 1992, whenever January 1 - The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, or August 15 - The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,  or November 1 -  The Solemnity of All Saints, fall on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated.


. Vigil Masses: Certain celebrations [e.g., The Nativity of the Lord, Pentecost Sunday, and The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary] have proper Vigil Masses in addition to the Mass for the day itself. These Vigil Masses are intended to be used either before or  after  First  Vespers  (Evening Prayer I) of the feastday.


Saturdays in Ordinary Time:   When there is no Obligatory Memorial, an Optional Memorial of   the Blessed Virgin Mary is allowed (RC, 15). Whenever this Optional Memorial is allowed, the special votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary proper to the Order may be  used  as  an  alternative, i.e.:

- OP Votive Mass of the BVM Wh     MASS pref I or II of BVM

RDGS rdgs of the weekday or proper:

(A) Eph 1:3-6,16-19 [710.4]/ Resp. Ps [572]/ Lk 1:39-47 [712.5] or

(B) Eph 3:14-19 [740.7]/ Ps 16 [721.1]/ Jn 19:25-27 [712.12]


  1. The Celebration of Patronal Feasts: In addition to the celebrations proper to each province, a community should celebrate the following:


  1. Solemnity of the anniversary of the Dedication of their particular church on the anniversary day of the dedication, if the church was consecrated.  If the day of dedication is unknown,  this Solemnity is observed on Oct 22;


  1. Solemnity of the titular saint of their church;
  2. Solemnity of the principal patron of their house;
  3. Feast of the anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral;
  4. Feast of the principal patron of the diocese, territory, province, or more extensive territory; and
  5. Obligatory Memorial of a Saint or Blessed (mentioned in the Martyrology or its Appendix) whose body is preserved in their church or


NB:   The celebration of the patron of a province of a religious order is observed         as a Feast (RC – Table of Liturgical Days, 8d).


. The Celebration of Dominican Feasts:  When the feast of a Dominican Saint or Blessed found in  this Calendar is celebrated with the higher rank of a Solemnity, the readings given  in  this  Calendar should be arranged as follows:

- lst Reading = Old Testament

(except during the Easter Season when the first reading is always taken from the New Testament)

  • Responsorial Psalm
  • 2nd Reading = New Testament
  • Gospel Acclamation
  • Gospel


When it is a question of celebrating a patronal feast (as listed above), the same principle applies when arranging the readings.  When proper readings are not provided, they are taken  from the appropriate Common.

On Solemnities the Gloria and Creed are said (on Feasts only the Gloria) as well as the proper preface, if there is one, or a preface from the appropriate Common is used.

On Memorials the common prefaces for the various categories of Saints may also be



Days of Prayer and Special Observances:   Certain common observances promoted by the Holy  See or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, e.g., Jan 1 – World Day of Peace, are indicated under their appropriate dates or Sundays. These notations make no change in the liturgical celebration of the day but propose themes to be considered in celebrations on that day.




  1. The cycles of readings for 2021 are: Sundays - Year B; Weekdays - Year I.


. In this Liturgical Calendar the references to the daily Mass readings follow the chapter and verse enumeration of the New American Bible as revised for the Lectionary for Mass, 4 vols. (1998- 2002). The number for the readings given in brackets refers to this same Lectionary. For more


recent feasts added to the Proper Calendar for the United States, readings may be taken from the

Supplement to the Lectionary for Mass (2017), indicated as follows: Suppl. + number.


For Sundays, Solemnities and Feasts, the exact text references are given. For Obligatory Memorials and Optional Memorials only the references to the semi-continuous readings are  given except for the few Memorials that have assigned readings (e.g., Jan 26 - SS. Timothy and Titus). On days when a Memorial of a Saint is celebrated, for compelling reasons texts may be taken from the Proper of Saints or selected from the Commons of the Saints. However, the celebrant will make sure not to omit too often or without sufficient cause the readings assigned for each day in the weekday Lectionary (See: IL, n.83).


. Choice of Readings for Dominican Celebrations: The use of proper readings for a Dominican celebration depends upon the rank of the celebration and is governed by the following norms:

- SOLEMNITY: Three readings are used and are taken from the proper.


Two readings are used and are taken from the proper or, if there are no proper readings, from the appropriate Common.

- MEMORIAL (Obligatory or Optional)

Two  readings are used.  These may be taken from the proper readings, if there are   some, or from the weekday.




cs:     1. indicate an element of the liturgy of the day which is optional, e.g., seq;

  1. indicate an Optional Memorial, e.g., Dec 4, [St. John Damascene].


A text set off by a short single line indicates explanatory material, e.g.:

*       = explanatory texts from the Roman rites and documents, e.g., Dec 23;


OP = explanatory or liturgical texts proper to the Order, e.g., Dec 22.


The rank of a feastday is indicated by both letters (S, F, M) and typography, e.g.:

- CHRISTMAS (S) or St. Andrew (F) or St. Francis Xavier (M)


The Gloria [gl] and Creed [cr] are said only when indicated in the Liturgical Calendar.  The   Gloria is not said on Memorials or weekdays. Days on which Eucharist Prayer I would have proper communicantes are indicated as follows: prop Roman Canon inserts.


Feastdays of whatever rank that are proper to the United States are indicated by the addition: USA.

Feastdays of whatever rank that are proper only to the Province of St. Joseph the Worker are indicated by the addition: Nigeria.



In this Calendar, only a reference to the appropriate week of the four-week psalter is provided  and this is placed on each Sunday, regardless of the rank of the day. Solemnities, Feasts and certain other days may have proper psalms which replace those of the weekday, however, this is not noted in this Calendar.





Adv = Advent Ascen = Ascension

CP = Central Province cr = Creed

EA = Vicariate of Eastern Africa (Eastern Province) EP = Evening Prayer

Epiph = Epiphany

GILH = General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours (1971) GIRM = General Instruction of the Roman Missal (2010)

gl = Gloria Gr = Green

IL = Introduction to the Lectionary (1981)

JW = Province of St. Joseph the Worker

LFM = Lectionary for Mass 4 vols. (1998-2002) MP = Morning Prayer

OHS = Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae OP (1965) opt mem = Optional Memorial

pref = preface prop = proper

RC = Roman Calendar (1969)

RCIA = Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (1972)

Rd = red

rdgs = readings Ro = rose

seq = sequence

SP = Southern Province

Suppl = Supplement to the Lectionary for Mass (2017) Vi = violet

Wh = white

WP = Western Province



    A combined Necrology of the four Dominican Provinces of Friars in the United States and of    the Province of St. Joseph the Worker is appended to this Liturgical Calendar.  



Nov  1   James Raymond Meagher 1889 E

Eligius Suarez?Fernandez 1962 W (Mexico) Paul Christopher Perrotta 1969 E

Joseph Innocent Reardon  1977  C



Nov  2   Peter Pitt 1861 E

Eugene William Holland 1926 E Patrick Benedict Doyle 1935 E Jerome Timothy Treacy   1973 C


Nov  3   Peter Hyacinth Doherty 1861  E William Antoninus Horgan 1886 E Raphael George Carpentier 1967 C Charles Alphonsus Carosella 1985 S Hilary Justin Freeman 1998 C

John Gerard O’Connell 2001 C Joseph D. Konkel 2013 S Jerome Matthias Walsh  2013  C


Nov  4   Ralph Augustine La Plante 1921 E Duane Anthony Brown 1997 C Alphonsus Philip Smith 2007 E Francis Kevin O’Connell  2008  E


Nov  5   John Theodore Van den Broek 1851 E (Germany) Louis Andrew Berenguer 1856 W

James John McLarney 1969 E


Nov  6   Patrick Joseph Doherty 1895  E John Philip Vallely 1930 E Rudolph Francis Vollmer 1971 E


Nov  7   James Bailey 1944 C

Justin James Butler 1973 W James Aloysius Driscoll 2013 E Charles Terence Quinn 2019 E


Nov  8   Anthony George Perry 1876 W

Thomas Aquinas Patrick Fitzsimmons 1896 W William Raymond McNicholas 1987 S

James Cornelius Hahn 2008 C



Nov  9   Stanislaus Edward Olsen 1962 W Bruno Casimir Zvirblis 1972 E James Arthur McInerney 1980 C Gerald Jude Pidcock 2003 C


Nov 10 Daniel Walter van Rooy 1985 C Nov  11  Stephen Bernard Jurasko  1986 E

Nov 12 Ferdinand Ramos Y Gomez Perez 1962 W (Mexico) Henry Francis Hohman 1963 C

Charles Provenzale 1972 E Joseph Eugene Madden 1977 E Gerard Walter Martin 1981 W Warren Bede Dennis 1993  S Paul Chrysostom Curran 1995 E Francis Dominic Nealy 1999 E


Nov 13 James Andrew Mackin 1938 E Felix Francis Cassidy  2015  W


Nov 14 Joseph James Baverso 1956 E Kevin Albert Wall 1988 W John Joseph Klaia 2003 W


Nov 15 Chrysostom Joseph McDonald 1953 C Daniel John Ward 1966 W

John Francis Monroe 1971 E

Thomas Chrysostom Donnelly 1973 E Mark Paul Francis Small 1986 E Joseph Louis Asturias 1995 W


Nov 16 Martin Pius Spalding 1892 E John Barnabas Davis 2017 E


Nov 17 Jude Raymond Nogar 1967 C


William Humbert Crilly 1969 C William Cyprian Meehan 1971 E Leonard Edward Curtis 1995 S Alan Augustine Evans 1999 E Anthony Ignatius Cataudo 2018 E


Nov 18 James Vincent Edelen 1892 E

Jeremiah Clement O'Mahoney 1911 E Richard Vernon Walker 1944 E Charles Ignatius Litzinger 1966 E William Richard Byrnes 1978 C

John Jordan Lacey 1988 E Cornelius Philip Forster 1993 E Leo Byron Thomas 1997 W Charles Henry O’Brien 2014 E


Nov 19  Albert Benedict Thomas  1989  E Malcom Sylvester Willoughby 2015 E Paul Edward Scanlon 2015 W


Nov 20 Robert Antoninus Angier 1850 E John Ambrose Dempsey 1929 E Walter Gabriel Scanlon 1950 E John Bernard Schneider 1971 C George Cajetan Reilly 1972 E Charles Valerian Lucier 1997 E Edward Henry Gallagher 2009 E


Nov 21 William Charles Daley 1936 E John Peter Morrissey 1960 E William Ferrer Cassidy 1974 E

Camillus Albert Musselman 1983 E William Regis Ryan  1992  E Michael Dominick McGreal 1998 C Edward Louis Cleary  2011  C Harold John Baptist Gerlach 2013 C


Nov 22 John Justin Kennedy  1951  E John Ignatius Reardon 2004 S

Raymond Martin McCabe   2005 E Edmund John Way 2008 E

Raymond Charles Bertheaux 2011 W Valentine Ambrose McInnes 2011 S


Nov 23 Stephen Byrne 1887 E

Louis Casenave 1893 E

Gerard Edward McMullan 1950 W Walter Raphael Farrell 1951 C

+ Edward Celestine Daly 1964 E Joseph Ignatius McGuiness 1994 E Thomas Jordan Ertle 2018 E


Nov 24 John Butler 1919 E

Cyril Aloysius Therres 1962 C James Cajetan Chereso 1980 C Thomas Leonard Fallon 1993 E Louis Luke Turon 2013 E Richard Martin Patrick 2015 S


Nov 25  Thomas Joseph Ryan  1877  E William Francis Linahan 1917 E Lawrence Francis Kearney 1924 E John Peter Farrell 2003 E

Bede Francis Eugene Wilks 2011 W


Nov 26 Samuel Louis Montgomery 1863 E John Clement Kent 1907 E

Ivan Innocent Maria Bojanic 1980 C Andrew James Sloan 1984 W


Nov 27 Peter Augustine Anderson 1850 E John Anthony Reddy 1919 E Eugene Aloysius Wilson 1939 E

Joseph Thomas Aquinas Joyce 1967 E


Nicholas Hugh Serror 1972 E Thomas Lawrence Kearney 2010 C Nadra John Benedict Joseph 2011 E


Nov 28 Nicholas Dominic Young 1878  E Joseph Reginald Higgins 1939 E Richard Mannes McDermott 1957 E John Stanley Gaines 1981 C


Nov 29 Michael Joseph Ripple 1938 E James Ferrer McManus 1975 E Joseph Eugene Hyde 1983 E John Raymond Gore 1984 W Paul Aquinas Duffner 2018 W John Martin Egan 2018 E


Nov 30  Michael Norbert Connell  1957  E John Stanislaus Dillon 1995 E Bernard George Nintemann 1996 C




Dec  ?    Maurice James Egan  ?  E

Robert Young  1812  E

  1. Mulholland 1845-48 E
  2. Moran 1845-48 E


Dec ?    Thomas Lawrence Keenan 1845-48 E John Dominic Urquhart 1856-57 E Hyacinth Doherty 1860-61 E Joseph Poelking 1866 E


Dec  1   Louis Reginald Bertrand 1926 E Richard John Thomas Ford 1937 E Andrew Dominic Glynn 1942 C John Jordan Dillon 1944 E

William Anthony O'Connell 1945 E


Stephen Eugene Murray 1952 C William George Mottey 1960 E Aquinas Richard Costello 2018 W


Dec  2   Francis Augustine Gaffney 1922 E James Moneta Moyna     2005 E John Linus Sullivan 2011 E


Dec  3   William Dempflin 1912 W

Hugh Francis Lilly 1914  E Sebastian Maurice Bohan 1928 W Philip Edward Emmans 1957 C William Joseph McLaughlin 1958 E David Joseph Donovan 1971  E Mark R. Leuer 1992 S


Dec  4   Thomas Tully 1901 E

Mannes Urbanc 1965 C

Edmund Ceslaus McEniry 1977 E Daniel Patrick Brady 2001 S Richard Mark Heath                2005  E John Fabian Cunningham 2006 E


Dec  5   James Clement Kearney 1960 E Antoninus Edmund Baxter 1961 C Joseph Michael Reilly 1975 E Angel Vizcarra  2004 S


Dec  6   Patrick John Barry 1935 W

Stephen Thomas Connelly 1965 W Dominic Francis Hoffman 1998 W


Dec  7   Michael Antoninus Horrigan 1907 E Raymond Cajetan Cervera 1911 W Walter Philip Thamm  1941  E Arthur Cornelius Richmeier 1986 C Robert Justin Hennessey 2003 E



Dec  8   Phillip Carroll 1902 W

Charles Robert Auth 1995 E Thomas Finbar Carroll 1998 E Walter Vargas Soleto 2003 C


Dec  9   Michael Benedict Flynn 1925 E Martin Augustine Waldron 1926 E Matthew Leo Osbourn 1961 E Charles Dennis 1995 W


Dec 10 Thomas Edward O'Neill 1903 W

James Bartholomew McGwin 1940 E Thomas Raphael Gallagher 1979 E Clement Eugene Collins 1995 S


Dec 11 John Henry O'Callahan 1967 E Joseph Bertrand Taylor 1979 E Patrick Leo LaBelle 2017 W


Dec 12 Eugene Charles Monckton 1959 C Joseph John Fulton  1998  W Richard Justin de Ranitz 2018 C Richard Ambrose McAlister 2019 E


Dec 13 Hilary Regis Ahern 1954 E

Frederick Jordan Baeszler 1955 E Sydney James Cyril Osbourn 1969 E Charles Bernardine Quirk 1972 E Vincent Harold Champine 2007 C


Dec 14 Vincent Dominic Dolan 1959 E

Eduardo Ponciano Zelaya Sanchez 1976 C Vincent Cyril Dore 1984 E

Paul Julius Adamchak 1994 E

+ Thomas Cajetan Kelly 2011 E


Dec 15 Matthew Francis McGrath 1870 E Charles Mannes Delavigne 1969 E James Raymond Maloney 1974 E John Joseph Stephen Reidy 1977 C Victor Sylvester Feltrop 1984 C Edwin Ignatius Masterson 1984 E Bernard David Kenny 1995 E


Dec 16 Sydney Albert Clarkson 1901 E Dominic John Maher 1950 W William Bertrand Mahoney 1980 C Patrick John Kelly  1983  W Thomas William Martin 1995 S


Dec 17 John Pius Moran 1912 E

John Edward Keefer 2008 S James Stephen Murray 2014 E

John Frederick Hinnebusch 2018 E


Dec 18 Robert Ignatius Tucker  1971  C Peter James West 1979  C Thomas Urban Mullaney 1989 E


Dec 19 Richard Pius Cahill 1937 E

+ Thaddeus Edward Lawton 1966 C Daniel Louis Carter 1978 C

Carl James Breitfeller 1991 E Robert Donald Reilly 1992 E

Giles Alfred Klapperich 2015 C
Robert Alexius Goedert 2015 C
Robert William Vaughn 2016 E


Dec 20 Albert Thomas Muller 1966 W John James McDonald 1996 C John Finnbarr Hayes 2017 W Peter Martin Otillio 2018 C


Dec 21 Thomas Henry 1917 E

Ambrose Paschal Regan 1957 E John Nicholas Walsh 1982 S

Paul John Dominic Scanlon 1996 E Daniel Aidan Shanahan 2019 S


Dec 22 John Vincent Reisdorf 1891 E Bartholomew Edward Ryan 1964 C Martin David Burke 1973  E Thomas Hilary Kaufman 1995 E Francis Leo Regan 1995 E

Thomas Marcellus Coskren 2003 E


Dec 23 James Benedict Hallisy 1867 E James Bernard Spearing 1904 E John Anthony Murtaugh 1947 C Bernard John Dering 1960 C Glenn Kocchi 1967 C

Andrew Richard McQuillan 1971 E Martin Lloyd Hartung 1990 C


Dec 24 Thomas Anthony Hickey 1914 E Vincent Raymond Burnell  1958  E


Dec 25  Thomas James Polin  1838  E Francis Bertrand Gorman  1948  E

Frederick Cornelius Hickey 1966 E Lewis Anthony Springman 1992 E John Patrick McGuire 2016 E


Dec 26 William Louis Mary Downes 1983 E Charles Thomas Shannon 1998 E


Dec 27 Edgar Regis Landy 1947 E

John Wilfred Ryan 1980 W Thomas Arnold Morrison 1989 E John Edmund O'Connell 1994 S


Joseph Filadelfio Romero 2003 W George Gerard Maley 2009 E


Dec 28 John Hyacinth McGrady 1838 E Alvarus Emmanuel Joseph 1942 W Michael Anselm Murray 1957 E Herman Damian Schneider 1963 E Chester Adrian Myers 1968 C Robert Dennis Riley 2006 E


Dec 29 James Reginald Kennedy 1929 E Joseph Joachim Hagan 1986 C


Dec 30 Hyacinth James Derham  1891  W Ceslaus Thomas Clancy 1948 W Sylvester Clyde Chamberlain 1957 W John Richard Clarke 1980 C

James Athansius Weisheipl 1984 C Francis Hyacinth Roth 1985 C Daniel Dalmatius Madden   2004 S


Dec 31 Sebastian Henry Shaw 1918  W Philip Daniel Purtill 1955 W Benjamin Aquinas Arend 1976 C Paul Kevin Meagher 1976 W

Richard Thomas Aquinas Murphy 1998 S