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Requiescat in Pace

Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved brother, Fr. Denis Daniel Reilly, O.P., who died on Tuesday, July 19, 2022. Ordained in 1970, Fr. Denis was a priest for 52 years and impacted countless lives during his many years of ministry.

The funeral arrangements are as follows:

Tuesday, July 26
-- Vigil at St. Albert's Chapel in Oakland, CA 
(Eulogy, Vespers [Office for the Dead], Rosary)

Wednesday, July 27
-- Funeral Mass at St. Albert's Chapel in Oakland, CA
-- Burial at St. Dominic's Cemetery in Benicia, CA

Fr. Denis Reilly's Obituary

To make a gift in memory of Fr. Denis, please use the form below. It is a tradition of the Order of Preachers to establish a fund in the name of each of our departed brothers. Your donation to this memorial fund will support the education of our Dominican brothers still in formation, continuing the faithful legacy of our departed brother. It is a lasting tribute to Fr. Denis and a gift to the Dominican students who study in his footsteps.