PLEASE NOTE: Tax letters for 2024 are being printed and mailed. Please contact with any questions or to request an itemized receipt. Thank you for your generosity!

Grant Impact

Congratulations! You're here because you received funding from the WDP's Internal Endowments.

Please take a moment to use the form to briefly describe the impact of your project. We'd like to know, tangibly, what the grant made possible. We'll then use this to celebrate your impact.

Note: Before applying for another grant, you're requested to please report on the impact of your previously funded project.

Special Request: a photo says a thousand words! If you have a photo of your project in action or its impact, please upload it with your comments. Photos with the people impacted are best.

We'd enjoy having it on file to use/share in describing the good work that you do. Thank you!

Questions? Please email

The grant application website can be found here:

Start Grant Impact Report