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St. Juan Macias, O.P.

Born on March 2, 1585 in Spain, St. Juan Macias is one of the lesser known saints of the Order of Preachers. Like his friend St. Martin de Porres, Juan was not a priest, but a faithful friar who preached the Gospel in ways hidden to most. On January 22, 1622, Juan received the Dominican habit at the Priory of La Magdalena in Peru, where he served as porter. Although he preferred solitude and contemplation, he would provide food for those who came to the priory in need, sometimes over 200 people a day. He also had an unusual way to raise money. Tradition tells us that he trained a donkey to travel throughout town and collect alms from the usual benefactors to the priory. Juan died on September 16, 1646, and a miracle occurred during his funeral shortly thereafter, when a deaf priest used Juan’s hand to bless his ear, and his hearing was restored.